An Audience with the Queen

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Dean had been to the Netherworld before, but his first visit had been considerably less welcoming. Having been transported there by Darkstar during a clash between the Avengers and the Squadron Supreme, a host of dark and tormented souls engulfed him only to reject his light. Then he'd gotten a very limited view of this realm- with only a landscape of swirling darkness to green him. This time, however, he was met with the sight of a sweeping and rather nightmare-like world bathed in dark purple light. The skies overhead swirled menacingly and a bitter wind rolled across the land, causing the naked trees to sway and creak. Dozens of yellow eyes peered at the newcomers before they retreated further into the forest.

"Dean?" Thor asked, squeezing his hand.

"I'm okay," Dean said quickly. "I'm fine."

Thor studied Dean for a heartbeat, then directed his gaze across their ranks and settled upon Taylor. "Where?" He asked.

Taylor pointed to a hazy network of clouds just beyond the horizon. "There. The city is there."

Without hesitation, Thor pulled Dean against his side and took flight. They quickly rose above the trees and pursued their target with haste.

"Guess we're moving!" Kyle quipped before reaching out with his mind and lifting himself and Steve off of the ground.

As the others followed, Dean rested his arms around Thor and took comfort from his solid strength. "We're getting them back," he whispered into his ear.

"We are," Thor assured him. "If I have to slaughter everyone in this realm to do it."

Dean shivered at his husband's ferocity. "I'm so lucky to have you," he said as he stared up at Thor's purple-tinged profile. "You're the best husband and father. I...can't imagine doing life without you."

The Asgardian's hard expression softened a bit. He smiled at Dean and squeezed him tight. "I am only good because you make me that way."

Dean shook his head. "You've always been good. Even before me."

Thor reflected on his first meeting with Dean and smiled at the memory of the beautiful mortal showing him humanity. But now this lesson would be set aside in favor of bloodshed. There was a time for peace, but now was not that time. His warrior's fury had been tempered by Dean's example, but today it would return in its fullest force. He hated to think of his husband seeing this side of him.

"This time they're going to die, Thor," Dean said in a dark tone, snapping Thor from his thoughts.

Thor's heart thundered at the fury in his mate's voice. He smiled despite the dire situation they were placed in for the simple fact of knowing he and Dean were of such similar minds. Then he felt the full weight settle upon his heart. "I have to kill Loki.

"Do you think you can do that?" Dean asked.

Thor landed gently in the center of the strange city and ignored the strange demons that observed them from a distance with their bizarre, yellow eyes. "It cannot be avoided. I wish it were different. I...for a time it was. But that Loki is dead. And this one will be soon."

Dean brushed some hair from Thor's troubled face and caressed his beard. He knew the pain Thor felt, even without his empathic powers. Despite everything, Loki had always been a weak spot for Thor. His belief in the god of mischief waxed and waned, but now he could feel it becoming completely eclipsed by something far stronger- the will of a protective father who would stop at nothing to save his boys from the abyss. "I'll be there with you the whole time," Dean promised.

The others landed nearby with them and the demons rapidly raced forward. Thor raised his weapon, prepared to fend the creatures when Taylor shook his head at him. "It's okay," he said. "They've come to...I don't know...greet me or whatever."

The demons fell to their knees and began to sing the praises of the Prince of the Netherworld. Taylor blushed and looked at his feet. "I'm not really used to this," he murmured to Kyle and Dean. "This is weird."

Dean, having experienced similar situations on Atillan, simply smiled and patted Taylor's shoulder. "It takes some getting used to."

"I'm jealous I'm not a prince," Kyle sighed. "You guys are like K-pop stars," he added, his eyes widening as one of the demons lifted her crying baby for Taylor to see.

"We need to meet your mother," Thor said, impatient with the current situation. "Where is she?"

Taylor pointed to the entrance of the castle where a voluptuous figure began to take shape in the open gate, her body slightly obscured by fog. "Speak of the devil."

Morla, queen of the Netherworld, filled the doorway and looked regal in her night black gowns. She nodded her head in acknowledgment before turning and walking back into the castle. As she walked away, her long dark hair followed.

"Guess that's our invite," Hyperion muttered.

"So that's your soon to be mother-in-law?" Clint asked.

"Yup," Hyperion said.

Needing no further prompting, Thor moved forward, his hand clasped in Dean's as his husband matched his strides. They cleared the drawbridge and entered the castle, which was dark and foreboding in design. Flickering flames danced everywhere, providing scant lighting as the group moved along the corridor as Morla led them to her throne room. Once inside, she settled atop her throne and gazed at her audience with an unreadable expression on her darkly beautiful face.

"I must confess, I had not expected you back so soon, my son," Morla said with a thin note of warmth in her queenly voice. "I take it you were not able to recover your universe."

Taylor stepped closer, stopping just at the bottom of the steps leading up to the throne. "No," he admitted with fresh pain in his voice. "But it we've made a home in a new universe. And these are some of our friends."

Thor, Dean, Steve, Kyle, Clint, Bruce, Tony, Strange, Snowbird, and Valkyrie watched as Morla scanned each of them with her sharp yellow eyes. "Two gods," she remarked with a thin smile as her gaze held Thor and then Snowbird. "You certainly have been keeping...interesting young prince."

"Mom, we..."

Morla raised a hand. "Two gods from two different pantheons. Norse...and the Inua. How interesting." She kept her eyes on Snowbird, who stood stock still and locked eyes with the queen. "But you are not a whole god, are you?"

"A demigoddess," Snowbird clarified.

Morla smiled, then stared at Taylor. "You need not explain why you are here. Being that you are in league with one of the Inua, it is very clear to me- you have come to slay the Dark One."

Taylor experienced a sudden recollection and felt overwhelmingly stupid for it. "Oh, how could I not remember?! The whole reason you even got pregnant with me in the first place was so I could protect the multiverse from...the Dark One."

"Don't beat yourself up," Dean said as he reached out and clasped Taylor's shoulder. "A lot has happened to you in a short span of time."

"I, too, was born to fight Nelvannu," Snowbird added. The mention of the fallen god brought a hush over the entire room as the demons in attendance ceased to whisper along themselves.

"We are here to slay him," Thor said in a gruff and impatient voice. "And we are here to rescue our sons."

Morla scowled and for the first time, her expression grew fearful. "The Dark One means to take the forms of your sons- demigods."

Thor clenched his jaw. "He will not do so."

"He must not do so," Morla quickly agreed. "The multiverse could not endure it."

"We need an army, mom," Taylor implored her. "Please. We have to save Thor and Dean's sons. And we have to make sure Nelvannu never gets the chance to leave his prison. Otherwise..."

"The Great Beasts will be unleashed," Morla said in a fearful voice. "Ancient, demonic terrors so horrific they defy description." She nodded her head. "Yes, my son. I will give you an army. And I pray it is enough."

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