Preparing to Jump

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When Thor returned to the conference room with a suited up Dean at his side, Kyle looked at Steve and grinned. "I told you so," he whispered into his boyfriend's ear.

"Hush," Steve whispered, giving Kyle's ass a discreet little swat.

Though he was visibly very distraught and shaken, it was obvious to everyone present, especially those who knew Dean well, that he would never agree to staying home as long as Modi and Magni were in danger. His expression, though fatigued, was sharp and fierce. His violet-blue eyes pierced the room with a strength and determination that left very little doubt about the warrior that lay within.

Tony immediately pulled Dean in for a bear hug and looked down into his weary eyes. "Don't worry, Goosey. I've got your back."

There had been times during their friendship when he and Tony had been at odds. But, in that moment, it all washed away. No matter what had happened or would, Tony was family. And he felt it very deeply in that moment.

Clint reached over and laid a hand on Dean's shoulder. "We all do."

Bruce nodded his head in solidarity and Dean smiled. All of the original Avengers- those still living- were together. It made him think of Natasha and he knew that if she were still with them, she'd be chomping at the bit.

"Nat would be sharpening her knives right about now," Clint said, seemingly reading Dean's thoughts.

"What's the plan?" Dean asked in a crisp voice that stole everyone's attention. You'd wasn't the time for emotional recollections. The assembled heroes continued to observe him with a mixture of respect and sorrow.

"I'm going to transport a group of us to the Netherworld," Taylor explained. "When we get there we're going to see my mother, the queen. I'm hoping she'll provide us with an army."

Dean took that information in with a slow nod. "This army of hers- what do you know about them?"

Taylor knew what Dean was asking. Without flinching he said "I know they're demons so they'll probably kill anything that stands in their way."

Dean smiled lightly. "I like that answer."

Thor took note of the low and deadly tone in his husband's voice. It was something he seldom heard and it both alarmed and ignited him. Reached down, he rested a hand on the small of his back.

"Strange, Hulk, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Aegis, Hyperion, Power Princess and Snowbird are accompanying us," Steve explained.

"Along with me," Valkyrie said from the doorway. She held her sword- Dragonfang- at the ready. "There is no way I will stay behind under these circumstances. Amora and Loki will die for what they have done."

Thor walked over her and they gripped hands. "I am honored," he said, his stormy blue eyes flashing in anticipation of the battle.

While everyone was preparing for the trip, Taylor quietly meditated to prepare himself while Strange hovered beside and guided him. He would be transporting a larger group of people than he'd ever moved before. Furthermore, he would need to pinpoint a safe destination- something he'd never had to be mindful of before now. Pressure weighed on him and he feared he'd doom the team before their mission even commenced.

"You're going to do great," Hyperion said from behind him before embracing him. "I know you're nervous. But you have no reason to be. You're just as much a superhero as anyone else here."

Strange smiled and moved away, giving the couple space.

"I just...I feel like I'm a kid playing dress up in my dad's clothes." He looked around at the other heroes. "I mean, these people are legit and I'm the asshole who tried to hurt them before."

"No one holds you responsible for any of that," Hyperion gently reminded him. "And we're about to get revenge on the people who caused that."

"But I know I'm part of the reason for all of this," Taylor pressed on.

Hyperion scowled. "You didn't abduct Thor and Dean's sons."

"No, but someone from the Netherworld is involved. And that's my territory. Even if I don't want it to be."

"And we shared a universe with how many psychopaths?" Hyperion asked in a level voice. "Does that reflect on us?"

Taylor lowered his head and sighed. "I know what you're saying. And you're right."

"I won't let you paint yourself as the villain," Hyperion carried on. "You were being manipulated and it's obviously all part of some much higher scheme." He smiled and kissed his forehead. "Now- let's focus on the task at hand, alright? No more feeling sorry for yourself."

"Fine," Taylor said with a light smile. "If you insist."

Across the room, Steve took Kyle by the hand and pulled him to a secluded corner. "I think you should stay behind," he whispered to Kyle while the others were preparing for the jump to the Netherworld.

Kyle glared up at Steve. "If you think I'm staying home while my friend is trying to get his sons back, then you're as ridiculous as Thor was being."

"You and Dean are cut from the same cloth. Thor and I know better than to try to impose anything on the two of you." Steve squeezed his hands. "I just...this worries me."

Kyle met Steve's blue eyes and his expression softened a little. "I'm going to be fine, Steve. We've survived some pretty big things."

"This feels different," Steve whispered. "Darker. I don't like it."

Kyle couldn't hide the fact that Steve was right about this situation feeling darker. He pulled a brave face anyway. "I dare a demon from the Netherworld to mess with me."

Steve appreciated Kyle's easy humor- even in the face of something so deadly and dark. He rolled his eyes. "Well, I don't."

Dean, meanwhile, stood silent and stared at the floor at his feet. His gaze was distant and trancelike as he recalled the memory of Modi and Magni's birth. He remembered the overwhelming pain that was followed by an exquisite joy that shattered it like sunlight through dark clouds. The second Lavenda placed them in his arms and he and Thor enfolded them, he knew his life would never be the same again.

"Dean?" Thor said, softly prodding him.

"I'm sorry," Dean whispered. " head is somewhere else."

"Of course," Thor sympathized. "Mine is there as well."

"I never thought I would have a family like this," Dean admitted. "And now it's being taken..."

"Not taken," Thor firmly cut him off. "We are getting it back."

Dean tried to adopt Thor's steely resolve but could only think of the possible tragedies that could befall them. A fallen god wanted to take their boys' bodies for himself so that he could walk the earth and awaken an ancient and devastating threat. "Somehow, the thought of fighting those ancient monsters Narya mentioned would be preferable to this."

Thor nodded slowly and pulled Dean against his armored chest. "I would fight an infinite number of beasts if it means my family could be safe."

"We may have to," Dean said.

"Then," Thor said with a determined smile. "We will."

An eerie black and purple glow filled the room and everyone turned to watch as Taylor conjured the portal that would take them to the Netherworld. Ethereal winds swept across the room, filling it with chills that were just an prelude of things to come.

"I won't lie to you," Taylor calmly explained. "This place is dangerous. And I still don't know as much about as I'd like."

"We aren't backing down," Tony coolly replied.

"I don't expect anyone will," Taylor said. "I just want you all to know that we're in for some really dark shit."

"We're used to it, kid," Clint said as he popped his bow open. "We're Avengers."

"Then," Taylor said as he widened the portal, causing the room to darken. "Let's go to the Netherworld."

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