An Honorary Valkyrie

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Loki observed Amora as she smirked at The Concubine's retreating figure. "You do realize," he whispered to her. "That Nelvannu only sees all of us as tools at his disposal."

Amora waved a dismissive hand. "Of course I do."

"Therefore it would be in your best interest to not bother with trying to become his new consort," Loki continued. "He will afford you no special favors simply because you undermine The Concubine in an attempt to elevate yourself before him. It is a waste of your time and energy."

"I think you realize the cards I hold by becoming Nelvannu's mate. I think it terrifies you, the power I could wield over you once Nelvannu is free from this place...with me at his side."

Loki chuckled darkly. "Amora- Nelvannu will never grant you such power. If anything, he sees you as a plaything. You amuse him."

Amora shrugged her bare shoulders. "A new era is dawning, Loki. And I will be it's queen."

Loki disregarded her delusion and returned to the task at hand- preparing the altar for the transference of souls. It would do no good to attempt to sway Amora. And why should he? She was a fool as always. And her foolishness would lead to her downfall. Just one less obstacle in his way. Her shortsightedness would ensure that she posed little threat to him. Truly, the only being he need worry about was Nelvannu himself.

And The Avengers.

His thoughts immediately shifted to Thor. That look of enraged betrayal on his face. Yes, he had truly severed whatever link had once existed. But why did it matter? Why did he linger on this? The oaf had to know that it could only ever end this way.

"We must mark the children," Amora said, rousing Loki from his thoughts. She looked over her shoulder and called for The Hag, who approached them in her hobbling gait. She reached into her cloak and retrieved the boys, who continued to scream and thrash.

"They are strong," The Hag appraised. "Worthy vessels for the master."

Amora took Magni and Loki was handed Modi. Once the boy was placed in his arms, Loki realized that this was the first time he'd actually held one of the children. The baby ceased his crying and stared up into Loki's face with a keenness in his eyes. It was strange to behold in one so young.

"You must get that from Dean," Loki grumbled. "There is no way you could inherit intelligence from Thor."

Modi continued to stare up at Loki, his soft blue eyes studying him in a way that made Loki's breath catch.

"Stop looking at me like that," Loki hissed.

Modi wiggled his arms and let out a little giggle.

"I'm about to sacrifice you and your brother to a fallen god," Loki explained, feeling foolish that he would even bother explaining himself to the progeny of his enemies. In irritation, he glared down at the boy, bared his teeth and growled.

Modi simply continued to giggle.

"Agh! You little brat!" Amora winced. Loki looked up from Modi's eyes and watched as several locks of Amora's blond hair were ripped from her crown by Magni. She drew back a hand to discipline the boy and Loki swiftly snatched her by the wrist.

"None of that," the trickster spoke in a neutral tone.

Amora pulled her hand from Loki's grip and wrung it out. "My, my. If I did not know better I might assume you are concerned for the boys' well-being."

"My concern is for Nelvannu's vessels," Loki corrected. "And you would be wise to share that sentiment, Amora. If you hope to attain any sort of power. Now- the blood of Nelvannu."

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