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Dawn broke across the peaceful skies but Wanda had been awake long before. Comfortable in the early hours of the morning, she adored the silence and peace before the house and farm became a loud and bustling affair. Of course, she enjoyed that as well. But the earliest moments were entirely for her. A cup of tea and a walk outside were a delicious little piece of heaven for her. And as she meandered outside and breathed in the crisp morning air, she would ponder her day. Though the routine and order was seldom deviated from, she loved this as well. There was something soothing about the stability of her life.

As she made her way as far as the line of trees that brushed up against the perimeter of the farm, she recalled the recent events that had shattered the peaceful and sequential way of her life. The attack on her home and her family was a devastating thing, especially when she recollected how she seemed to be at the epicenter of all of this. Though she did not know why, somehow she was to blame for the young man attacking her. The Avengers protected and rescued her and her family from the attack, and she was thoroughly grateful. Though the strange, caped Avenger- the one who had a human shape and yet did not appear human at all- had unsettled her to a degree. His attention to her was noticeable. And it made her wonder about the former life she had no memories of.

She had often told herself that it didn't matter. She was alive. She had her health. She had a family. A purpose. And that's as enough. And yet...

Why do they all seem me? Especially the strange, all-white hero. And the one who could glow.

Moreover, she wondered why her dreams were suddenly filled with imagery of a malicious looking castle perched high atop snowy mountains. And a book that seemed to have a will all its own. Sometimes she would dream that she was inside that castle, standing on a large altar. The book would hover before her and open on its own.

Some nights her dreams were less menacing. Instead, she found herself mingling with some of the Avengers, as if she knew them so well. Sometimes she saw herself in the arms of the white Avenger. Though he was not white in her dreams.

No. He has red and green skin. And the most soulful, beautiful eyes...

And on some, very rare nights she saw two small boys. Boys who embraced her and seemed to adore her utterly. They were not the children she had come to call her family. She did not know these boys. She never even heard their names in the dream. And yet, somehow...



Unbeknownst to Wanda, a strange, ethereal red glow began to radiate in her pupils.


She shook her head of the reverie and looked in the distance as Hillar ran out of the house and across the field. She shook her head and ran to meet the boy. "What are you doing awake?" She asked as she hugged him.

"I couldn't sleep," the boy explained. "And I knew you would be awake."

Wanda smiled down at him. "Do you want to have some tea with me?"

Hillar beamed up at her. "Yes!"

Vision returned from Estonia with great haste and entered Avalon to find it strangely vacant, with a skeleton crew of Avengers.

"Where is everyone?" The synthazoid asked Sam when he entered the recreational room to find the winged Avenger playing a game of scrabble with Jessica, the Spider-Woman.

"Vision, this is Jessica Drew," Sam explained. "She's one of the newest Avengers."

"A pleasure," Vision said with a nod of his head. "Sam, where is everyone?" He repeated.

"They didn't tell you?" Sam asked. "Dean and Thor's sons were abducted. A whole team has gone to get them back while the rest of us hold the fort."

Knowing that this was a poor explanation, Sam went into greater detail to bring Vision fully up to speed. As he spoke, Vision's expression shifted through various degrees of shock, horror, and sadness.

"Thor and Dean must be devastated," Vision lamented. "Heartbreaking. And this entire poor boys..."

"They're holding it together," Sam explained. "I pity the kidnappers."

"Of course," Vision agreed. "I want to help in any way that I can."

"Well, unless you can travel to the Netherworld I'm afraid you're going to be hanging here with the rest of us. Except for Bucky, who apparently has gone off to Russia for reasons unknown*."

Vision shook his head. "I wish I had known they were going. But my...attention...was elsewhere."

"How is Wanda?" Sam asked.

Vision pursed his lips. "I am concerned. That is the reason why I am here."

Sam's expression because very guarded. "The words concerned and Wanda shouldn't be used in the same sentence, man."

"Her eyes were glowing this morning," Vision revealed. "Only momentarily. But certainly long enough for me to take notice from my vantage point."

Sam shook his head. "Well, I'm glad you're the obsessive stalking type. Definitely pays off."

Vision scowled. "I am not obsessive, nor am I stalking."

Sam ignored him and reached for his comm device. "This is Falcon to team- we may have a situation."

*Bucky is currently in Russia, where his upcoming solo story will take place :)

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