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"Cheryl!" Dan Roberts called out from behind the grill. "Can you see how many dogs the kiddos want?"

Cheryl, who was in the middle of a conversation with the Thompsons- the neighbors across the street- moved over to the pool and called out to the kids as they played a rowdy game of Marco Polo. The backyard was a picture-perfect neighborhood pool party. The air smelled of suntan lotion and grilled burgers and hot dogs.

"Dan, why don't you take a break from grilling and let me take over," Bob Fisher from down the street suggested.

"No worries," Dan said with a grin.

"We need fifteen hot dogs," Cheryl reported. She planted a kiss on her husband's cheek. "They look great."

"I'll tell you what looks great," Bob cut in. "That new Corvette in your driveway!"

Dan smiled proudly. "Thanks, buddy. Cheryl finally signed the permission slip."

Cheryl rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to reply when a scream from behind cut her off. Spinning around, she looked up at the sky where Annie Baker was pointing. A streak of fire was falling from above and moving dangerously closer to the pool. Kids scrambled to get out, their pool floats tripping them up as they hurried for the exits where the adults yanked them out of the water. Bracing for impact, Cheryl hid her flinched when the falling chunk of debris hit the swimming pool and threw waves of water out and across the backyard. The ground shook as whatever hit the bottom of the pool cracked the floor and split the earth beneath it.

"Is everyone okay?" Dan shouted as he jumped up from behind the grill and pulled Cheryl into his arms.

"Was that a meteor?" One of the kids asked.

Dan slowly broke away from Cheryl and slowly approached the edge of the in-ground pool. The water sloshed gently as steam rose up from its surface. He peered into the glassy water in an effort to see whatever had fallen from the sky.

"What do you see, Dan?" Bob called out from his hiding place behind the cooler.

Something broke through the water and Dan scurried backward. A man slowly floated upward until the tips of his toes were just barely touching the water. Hovering there, he glistened as sunlight sparkled on his naked skin. His body, powerfully muscular and undeniably attractive, was on full display. Water fell down his broad shoulders, across the expanse of his chest, and down his thick and powerful limbs. His brown hair was slicked back from his handsome face, a patch of white hair dripping water down his forehead. His expression was tense and distracted as his eyes scanned the backyard.

Collectively, all of the children's eyes were covered by their parents in order to shield them from the sight of the naked man as he floated in front of them in broad daylight

"It's a man," one of the adults whispered.

"I'll say it is," Cheryl murmured, her eyes skimming the perfect V of the man's hips and taking in the generous sight below. Dan, while holding a hand over his youngest's face, slowly reached over and covered Cheryl's eyes as well.

"Uh, who are you?" Bob asked.

The man glided through the air and stepped onto the concrete, his body dripping water as he approached the group. One of the mother's hastily grabbed a Minnie Mouse towel off of her daughter's shoulders and offered it to the man. He accepted it with a light smile and wrapped it around his waist. "My name," he said, "is Ikaris."

The man walked through the underground corridor with purpose in his step, his mere presence inspiring fearful respect from the armed soldiers who patrolled the base. His boots echoed throughout the concrete corridor and he ignored everyone around him in favor of the door at the very end of the hall. The two soldiers who stood on either side of the door saluted the man.

"Colonel Stryker," one of the guards said before promptly scanning his key card and unlocking the door.

Stryker stepped inside the room and let out a little sigh of resignation when the door shut behind him, whisper-quiet. "Dr. Cowell- you said you had an update for me," he barked. He walked up to the operating table where a frail man lay unconscious on his belly.

"Extraction was a success," Dr. Cowell answered. She turned away from the man on the table and showed Strkyer a syringe filled with spinal fluid.

"Very good," Stryker said, taking the syringe from her.

"Sir- what do you hope to do with this?"

"I plan to change the world for the better." Stryker smiled at the syringe. "This, Dr. Cowell, is how we win." Without another word, Stryker left the room and addressed the soldiers. "Have a helicopter prepared for me."

"Destination, sir?"

"The Raft," Stryker called out as he kept walking away. It was time to go and visit the mutant in the plastic prison.


After such a chaotic and messy ordeal in the Netherworld, James couldn't wait to shed his Guardian uniform and take his wife to their cabin for a long weekend. After so much nonstop work with Alpha Flight, he felt he'd earned a little time off to reconnect with his wife.

"I'm so excited," Heather crowed as she rubbed her hands together. "You, me, and a cozy fire. Not a soul for miles. It's going to be heaven!"

James couldn't help but agree, though the worrier in him reared its head.

"I know that look," Heather said, scooting closer in the truck and kissing her husband's face.

"What look?" James asked.

"The worried look. Honey, Jean-Paul is more than capable of leading Alpha Flight while you're gone. And it's only for a three day weekend!"

James nodded his head. "Yeah, yeah. You're right."

"I know I am!"

They drove on in silence, with James mindful of the road conditions as snow continued to pile up. Once they'd broken away from the main highway and traversed the treacherous forest roads, the sight of their woefully underused cabin appeared in the distance, haloed by coniferous trees. After parking, they promptly got out and James went to gather their luggage.

"Leave it," Heather sighed, pulling him close and kissing him.

James grinned at his wife's playfulness and picked her up. Turning around, he walked up the steps, carrying her bridal style. But when they reached the front door there wasn't one.

"What the..."

"Heather, get back to the truck," James demanded, his playful side now completely gone. "And lock the doors."

"I'll call for help," Heather agreed before retreating back down the steps and toward the truck.

James entered the cabin, his fists clenched. He cleared the ground floor of the cabin, which had been ransacked and left in total shambles. He approached the stairs when he heard Heather crying out from outside. Turning on a dime, he burst out of the cabin and down the steps. Heather stood with her arms clutching a muscular forearm that was currently squeezing on her throat. Behind her, a short but very powerfully built man held her like a human shield.

"Buddy, if you don't let my wife go you and me are going to have some problems," James threatened.

Suddenly the skin of the man's knuckles ripped open and three gleaming metallic claws shot out, causing Heather to flinch. "Make my day, bub," the man snarled.

The heroes will return...

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