A Calculated Risk

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"Talisman, if we're going to go through with this, I think you'd better explain yourself to us," Guardian suggested as Alpha Flight's Omnijet sliced through the air. "Not that I don't trust you, but we can't go through with what you're asking without a good reason."

Talisman looked up from her clasped hands and met the faces of her teammates- Guardian, Aurora, Northstar, and Sasquatch. Snowbird's absence was palpable and worrisome. The tension in the air was thick, with each of them deeply concerned for what was happening. But, despite their misgivings about the mission, they knew that Talisman wasn't the type to sound the alarm without thinking things through.

"He's right," Aurora said in a tight voice. "It's been too vague so far. If we're going to do this then we need to know."

I hope Strange knows what he's doing, Talisman thought to herself. "The others are in danger," she began, her voice unsteady as she recalled the horrific torment Strange was being subjected to. A fate she would wish on no one. "Nelvannu has them trapped and they need reinforcements."

"Why aren't we calling the Avengers who stayed behind then? Or the X-Men?" Sasquatch asked.

"Because they can't help us," Talisman sighed. "Not with this." She looked away from her teammates when the Omnijet's AI announced that they had reached their destination. "Come on," she said, unfastening her seat-belt and hurrying for the opening ramp. Descending it, she breathed in the rural air around her and began to walk through the grass. As the others fell in behind her, she surveyed the serene, pastoral place they'd found. Sunlight bore down on them, warm and comforting despite the chilling circumstances. Just across a stretch of grass and surrounded by farm land, a tidy cottage waited. Approaching the house, Talisman immediately felt the weight of someone's eyes upon her.

"Uh...Talisman?" Northstar whispered.

"I know," Talisman replied. Then she turned around to face the watcher. Though she was uneasy, she stifled her fears and sought courage as she took a few tentative steps forward. "I know that this probably isn't a welcome visit. But we wouldn't be here if things weren't very, very wrong."


"We need your help."

The woman called Wanda Maximoff studied Talisman and the rest of Alpha Flight with cool indifference. She stood at the edge of the forest, a grocery sack in one arm while she held the hand of a small boy. If Alpha Flight didn't know better, they would assume that Wanda was a simple country girl. Everything about her appearance radiated this. But the story in her eyes conveyed something far different.

"I thought she erased her memories," Guardian pondered aloud. "You're talking to her as if she knows..."

"She knows," Talisman said.

Wanda knelt next to the boy and whispered something in his ear. As she stood back up, the child went scurrying to the house where he was promptly intercepted by his parents and younger brother in the doorway. Wanda tracked his movement in a protective way and nodded at the parents. Taking this as a sign that all was well, they went back into the house. Once the door closed behind them, Wanda returned her gaze to the heroes. "You can relax, Vis," she said in a cool voice.

The solid white form of Vision slowly rose up from the ground before them, his body becoming tangible as he turned to face her. "Wanda," he gasped emotionally. "You remember me?"

Wanda's face cracked into a somber smile, her eyes glistening. "You are my sadness...my hope." She stopped speaking as her tears streamed down her cheeks and she fought for control of herself. "But mostly, you're my love."

Vision crossed the distance between them and caught Wanda as she raced across the grass. They embraced, and though many wouldn't be able to understand their love, those present certainly felt it. Vision cradled Wanda in his arms like she was a precious and breakable thing. "I saw your eyes glowing," he spoke into her hair. "And I knew you were coming back to yourself."

"And you were worried," Wanda said.

Vision touched his forehead to hers. "I was. I spoke with the Avengers and it was agreed that I should continue to watch over you. But I would have done that regardless. I hope you aren't angry."

Wanda nodded. "I'm not. I caused a lot of pain, Vis," she muttered. "I hurt people. Did things that are unforgivable. It's right for the Avengers to want eyes on me."

Vision kissed her lips, slow and lingering. "You were corrupted by the book, Wanda. You know that."

Wanda shut her eyes and more tears fell. "I...I don't want to think about those things." Then she looked over Vision's shoulder at the others.

Vision turned around and looked at the team. "Alpha Flight," he said. "Why are you here?"

"Because we need her help," Talisman said in a matter-of-fact voice.

Wanda walked up to the team. "I don't know if that's a good idea."

"Wanda. What do you remember?" Guardian asked.

Wanda nodded her head. "Everything. My memories have been returning to me little by little," Wanda explained before looking directly into Talisman's eyes. "Why do you need my help? Along with the risk of me. I finally have peace. I have the man I love. Children to care for- real ones. There isn't darkness in my life now. Why should I give all of that up?" A shadow crossed her face. "And...why would anyone accept me?"

"Dean would accept you, Wanda," Vision cut in. "He has always viewed you as a sister. And he always will."

"But the others..." Wanda's voice trailed off and she slowly paced back and forth in the grass. "I know they wouldn't accept me."

"I can't speak for them," Talisman admitted. "But I do know that if you don't help, they will die."

Wanda listened to Talisman as she explained the precariousness of the heroes who had ventured into the Netherworld. As she became more aware of their plight, her eyes started to glow. Though apprehensive initially, the mention that Dean and his twins were imperiled was more than enough to shatter her reservations.

"If they fail, Nelvannu will destroy everything," Talisman summarized, waving her hands to indicate the peaceful world Wanda currently inhabited. "I wouldn't be here- Strange wouldn't have asked this- if it wasn't a matter of life and death," she finished.

"Come on, Wanda," Guardian said. "You're a goddamn hero. Always have been, deep down. Isn't it about time the world saw that side of you again?"

Wanda looked down at her old boots and blue jeans and let out a deep sigh. Then, without a word, her body was lost in the gleaming red glow of her magic. When the power faded, her clothes were transfigured into the black and red uniform she hadn't worn in quite some time. Her hair, formerly tied in a ponytail, hung in a loose and wild mane. A sharp red headdress adorned her face, granting her a regal quality alongside the flowing fabric of her uniform.

"I'm going as well," Vision said, stepping closer to Wanda's side.

"Yeah, that brings me to the big question," Northstar said. "How the hell do we get to the Netherworld."

Talisman grinned and looked at Wanda. "Thinking what I'm thinking?" She asked.

Wanda simply nodded her head in response. Then the two magical women closed their eyes.

The symbiosis of so many minds- all of them heavily tormented- was a chaotic and endless agony. But Strange succumbed to it with a sense of hope- hope that Talisman would carry out his orders to the letter. The risk was tremendous, but the reward was greater still. As other minds swam in and out of his own, the Sorcerer Supreme lost himself to the abyss.

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