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This epilogue is especially dedicated to one of my readers @Handesh20121. Your lovely comments have never failed to make my day.
Thank you so much ❤️

Yes I decided to update despite the target not being complete because I know a lot of you are waiting for the epilogue and I hate to keep you all waiting for so long. Plus I have a new fanfic idea brewing in my mind so I gotta wrap this up.


The clock struck 5 pm as Meerab entered the Khan Mansion, her fatigue apparent. This lateness was unusual for her, as was the unusual quietness in the house. With a sense of unease gnawing at her, Meerab made her way toward their bedroom, where she found her daughter, Meesam, peacefully asleep on the bed. Her husband, Murtasim, sat nearby, his gaze fixed on their slumbering child.

"Assalam o Alaikum," Meerab's voice softly disrupted the tranquility, causing Murtasim to turn his attention to her.

"Wa Alaikum as salam. How was your day?" Murtasim greeted her warmly, his smile always managing to melt her heart.

Meerab sat down with a sigh, her tone subdued. "It was fine, I guess."

She then looked up at Murtasim and inquired, "Maa Begum nazar nahi arhi?" (Is Maa Begum not at home?)

"Han, Maa Begum had to attend the engagement ceremony of her friend's daughter, so she called me home early at around 2 o'clock to ensure Meesam wouldn't be alone at home."

Meerab pursed her lips in concern. "I'm sorry, Murtasim; it's my responsibility to take care of Meesam."

"Jaan, you're forgetting that it's a shared responsibility between the both of us. Don't feel guilty, please."

"Chaye piyoge, Murtasim?" she asked, offering him tea to ease her guilt for not being there.

"Bilkul piyunga, bal ke main hi banata hu. Tum fresh ho jao," Murtasim replied with a smile, accepting the offer.

Meerab attempted to protest but was silenced by a tender kiss from her husband. He placed a finger on her lips, gently hushing her. "Not a single word, Meerab. I know you're tired; go freshen up, please."

Meerab could only smile as she watched her considerate husband head toward the kitchen. She then stole a moment to plant a kiss on Meesam's cheek before heading to the washroom.

Upon her return, Meerab found Murtasim setting a tray with two cups of tea on the coffee table. She embraced him warmly. "Thank you, Murtasim," she whispered into his chest, her gratitude evident.

Murtasim reciprocated with a kiss on her head, and they both sat down to enjoy their tea.

"Meerab?" Murtasim began.

"Hmm?" she responded, looking at him attentively.

"I've noticed that something has been bothering you for the past week. You seem to have lost that spark of yours. Is everything okay?"

Meerab sighed, her emotions welling up. "I've taken on a very complicated case, and that's why I've been coming home late. There's a very slim chance of me winning this one."

"You've been practicing law for the last three years, and you've won many challenging cases. I'm sure you'll triumph in this one too."

Meerab shook her head in doubt. "Things are different this time."

"How so?" Murtasim inquired, his concern evident.

"The opposing party is incredibly powerful."


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