18. Contentment

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The doctor confirmed Maa Begum's suspicions after conducting several tests, revealing that Meerab was indeed pregnant. Murtasim had anticipated this outcome, partly due to Maa Begum's earlier hints, so he watched Meerab closely for her reaction as the doctor delivered the news.

He had half-expected Meerab to react with panic or distress, but to his surprise, her demeanor was one of contentment, and her eyes welled up with tears of joy. Murtasim gently clasped her hand, offering a reassuring smile, which she reciprocated immediately. It dawned on him that this revelation could potentially lead to complications if word got out, but in this moment, all he could think of was how genuinely happy his wife appeared after weeks of hardship. He couldn't wait for the opportunity to understand the exact reason behind her newfound happiness.

However, as they settled into the car, Meerab's smile faded, replaced by a worried expression. "How are we going to break this news to Maa Begum?" she asked anxiously.

Murtasim shrugged, replying, "She already had her suspicions due to your illness, so I don't think it will come as a significant surprise. Our main concern now should be expediting the wedding without drawing too much attention to recent developments."

Meerab nodded in agreement. Even though they hadn't committed any wrongdoing, their society viewed this situation as a grave transgression.

"You appeared genuinely joyful when you heard the news," Murtasim gently probed, eager to understand the source of her happiness.

"Actually, I've been contemplating something ever since everything happened," Meerab confessed. "I have no blood relatives or anyone connected to me who could attend our wedding and witness my happiness. I've lost all those people who hold significant roles in one's life. When the doctor informed me about the life growing within me, it felt as though I had someone of my own again. I understand it's your baby too, but I'm experiencing this personal connection with it that I thought I could never have with anyone. That's why I'm so elated. Thank you, Murtasim, for always being there for me. I love you so much," Meerab said, her voice trembling with emotion as she smiled at her husband, who glanced at her and returned her affectionate smile.

In response, he reached for her hand, gently squeezing it. Her heartfelt confession left him momentarily at a loss for words, so he simply whispered, "I love you too," before refocusing his attention on the road ahead.


The day of the rukhsati arrived, after almost a month, as a symbolic formality, as Meerab had already been living with Murtasim's family since childhood. The event was a poignant moment, signifying Meerab's official transition into her role as a member of Murtasim's household.

In a room filled with close relatives and friends, Meerab, dressed in traditional bridal attire, stood before her husband and his family. She was a picture of grace and composure, her eyes reflecting a mix of nostalgia for the life she had known and excitement for the one she was about to embark upon.

As Murtasim's family members surrounded the couple, there was a palpable sense of love and support in the air. Meerab's rukhsati was marked by blessings from her husband's mother, who welcomed her with open arms into their family now as her daughter in law instead of the daughter she had raised herself. It was a moment filled with both solemnity and joy, as everyone recognized the significance of this transition.

Murtasim, ever the supportive and loving husband, held Meerab's hand throughout the ceremony, offering her reassurance and a warm smile as she officially became a part of his family. Their union was celebrated with heartfelt du'as (prayers) and well-wishes from those in attendance.

After the rukhsati, the couple, now officially joined in matrimony, proceeded to the dinner celebration. The atmosphere was filled with joy, laughter, and the promise of a harmonious future together. Meerab and Murtasim knew that their love had already weathered many challenges, and they were ready to embrace the next chapter of their life as a married couple within Murtasim's family, where love and acceptance had already become their shared reality.


I changed my mind and decided to keep this short. Sobbing because it's almost time to bid Fates Intertwined Meerasim goodbye!

Epilogue will only be posted if you guys can complete 100 votes on each chapter or 2000 votes on the whole story. I have already written it so once the target is complete, I'll update immediately.

I'm not hungry for votes or anything but it does give me a sense of appreciation motivating me to write more. Feedbacks bhi dedya karo dear readers. I wait for your comments.

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