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This chapter will be long, dw.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                                                        9 years later...

"Y/n! Can you come fill up w/n's (wolf's name) food and water?"

"One step ahead of you!"

Y/n was a beautiful young woman with h/l, h/c hair, and gorgeous e/c eyes. She was wearing a ruffled worn-out shirt with pants that had lots of holes and rips in them. But she didn't mind, because she could move around comfortably in them.

Unlike those fancy dresses at Hyrule castle, they look like you can't even breath... She thought. She grabbed W/n's water bucket and skipped down the stairs. She reached the front door, and then realized W/n might want to come too. 

"W/n! Wanna come with me to get some water?" She suddenly thudding down the stairs. She looked behind her and saw the huge wolf bolting toward her.

Normally, people would freak out and run. But running is a sign of weakness for wolves; even W/n. So, Y/n stood her ground, and said calmly, but firmly: "Stop."

The huge canine stopped abruptly right in front of his owner and sat down, patiently waiting for Y/n to give him the sign to go.

"Good boy! Who's a good doggie?" W/n barked in response and wagged his long fluffy tail. Y/n giggled at the sight and gave him the normal talk before going out of the house.

"Now, W/n. You stay by me, right?" She held her hand out of the dog, as if she was reaching for a child's hand. He put his left paw into her hand and looked up into her eyes. "Good boy! And if Mya, Ivee and Monica come, you scare them off, right?" He growled in response, as if he was already scaring them off.

"You're too smart for your own good. Ok, let's go!" W/n tail started to wag violently as Y/n opened the door. The sunlight blinded her for a second as she shielded her eyes. Once her eyes adjusted to the sun, she took in all the beautiful features- even though she had lived there for basically her whole life. But to her, it felt like Hateno Village changed every day.

Y/n looked at W/n and smiled to herself. She remembered the day she found him in the grass fields by her house. She asked her mom if she could keep him, and her mother said that she and Y/n's father would talk about. It was the happiest day of her life. But it was also the most depressing.

After her father confirmed that it was ok to keep W/n, he confessed to her mother that he had fallen out of love with her and that he wanted a divorce. Y/n remembered how her father took advantage of Y/n, yelled at her, and it even got a little physical one night.

That was when her mother agreed to sign the divorce papers. Her father left Hateno Village, and was never seen again.

"Hey, Y/n!" Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as she turned around and saw her best friend, Marla, running towards her. "Hey, Marla! How are you?" She asked, continuing to walk because Marla had caught up to her.

"I've been better." Y/n frowned and looked at her best friend. Her eyes were watching her feet move left and right. "Is this about Noodles?" Y/n asked her best friend. Noodles was the name of Marla's cat.

"Yeah... he hasn't really been eating his food I give him." She looked up and Y/n saw that she had tears in her eyes. "Oh, Marla... I'm so sorry." She pulled her in and gave her a hug. Y/n sensed that Marla tensed up with this, so she pulled back away. But then she frowned to herself. Wait... Marla's fine normally when I give her a hug... but she brushed it off and continued walking.

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