Carriage Ride

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I stayed up and finished this chapter. It's 12:54 p.m. rn for me lol

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Y/n was still sleeping 2 hours later, when she woke up to the sound of the carriage doors opening. She opened her eyes but shut them quickly, due to the bright light. She let her eyes re-adjust, and then saw another person who sat across from her, about her age.

She inhaled sharply and stretched. That didn't help at all, it just made her more tired. The voice from the person in front of her spoke and said, "I'm so sorry, did I wake you?" 

It was a guy's voice. She sat up (the best she could, anyway) and said in a raspy voice, "No, no. It was time to wake up anyway." He chuckled and looked out the window. She took in his features carefully.

He had messy, dark purple hair that looked like he hadn't combed it in ages. He had short bangs, that rested just above his light, gray eyes.

He looked back at her and said, "What's your name?" His voice had gotten much deeper from a few seconds ago. Her eyes widened in surprise for a moment, but she toned it down and replied. "My name is Y/n. Now what's yours?" She said to him, shifting in her position to actually sit up properly.

"I'm Landon, nice to meet you." He held out his hand to her and she took it, shaking it firmly. She then realized that she didn't know where she was. "I'm sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but since I was asleep- where are we...?"

He chuckled yet again and said in the same deep voice, "We just stopped at Kakariko Village, and I was told I could make 100 gems a fortnight for working as a butler at Hyrule Castle. So, I volunteered. What about you?" 

By the time he had finished speaking, Y/n's jaw had basically dropped to the ground. She had never been told about the gems! The royal knight- oh, the knight. Her expression turned from surprise to anger. Her nostrils flared up and she yelled in frustration.

Landon's facial expression had also changed from flirty to fear. "Woah, I'm sorry, did I say something wrong or-" Y/n cut him off by saying, "No, it's not your fault, it's that knight's fault. I hate him. He took me away from my family, I never volunteered. He put his hands on me without my consent." She pointed her finger and the knight that ruined her life.

Landon looked so confused; it looked like his brain would explode. He then laughed and said, "Oh, him? You must have seen incorrectly, he's one of the best knights ever. Second best from Link."

Y/n was about to shoot a reply back at him, but then another question popped into her mind. "Wait, who's Link?" This time, Landon's eyes widened, but not in fear, it almost looked like he was shocked.

"You've never heard of Link before? Like, the Link? Like, the princess' appointed knight Link? The Link that never talks Link?" 

"I get it! No, I have never heard about this 'Link'."

"Oh my gosh, where have you been for the last few months?" He said, face-palming himself. Y/n tilted her head the same way she did when she found W/n.

W/n... she totally forgot about him, and she then frowned to herself. Luckily, Landon didn't see this, as he was still face-palming himself.

"I was in Hateno Village, where not much news comes and goes." She said, sighing to herself. "Well, I'm glad I live in Kakariko Village because the second new news comes out, we're basically one of the first ones to know."

"Lucky..." She mumbled to yourself. Y/n was- uhm, let's just say one of those girls who loved the drama but didn't like to be involved in it. That's why she was so heart broken when she found out Marla was secretly dating her bully. And when the knight threw her in the carriage. And when she lost W/n.

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