Chapter 4 ~ Graduation

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Lauren's Pov :

'Now i'm stuck in this fucking rut, waiting on a second hand pick me up but i'm over get older.'

Weightless blasted through my room waking me up.

"Hello?" I yawned picking up the phone.

"Laur where the fuck are you?!" Maddie asked. "Graduation is in an hour and me, Reine and Meg are waiting outside your appartment and have been knocking for ages."

"Shit it's 12am." I said jumping out of bed and rushing to the bathroom.

"Yeah I know. We need to be at the school for 1pm and then graduation starts 10 minutes after that."

"The spare key is under the mat, let yourself in. I'll be ready in 30mins."

I ended the call and hopped in the shower. I got out, dried off and got changed into a short, straight burgundy dress . I quickly brushed and ran a pair of straighteners over my hair and then applied some light makeup and top eyeliner. I then rushed into the bathroom, brushed my teeth before pulling on a pair of black vans and met the girls in the corridor.

"You know you could have came in." I said closing the door behind me.

"Yeah well ." They trailed off.

We ran down the corridor and into Maddie's car which was parked outside of the building.

Reine was wearing a light blue dress which sat just above her knee with white and blue floral flats, Meg was wearing a shirt strapless mint green dress with navy vans and Madds was wearing a floral dress with white converse.

"C'mon lets go!" Meg said as Maddie started the engine.

Fortunately, there was not traffic on the road so we got to the school just before 1 and put the robes and hats on in the car. The teachers hurried us and directed us to the stage where we took a seat on the bench next to each other.

I scanned the seats in front of the stage in hope that I could see someone I knew.
️Drew sat there tapping his watch and laughing once he caught eye contact with me. Nate was also sitting alongside Drew who pointed behind him, who sat mom, dad, Max and Kayla. I was so surprised that they actually came after saying they may not be able to.

Minutes later Mr.Marshall, the principle, started his speech. He went on for ages about how proud he is to have such a successful group of teenagers leave and how he wishes us luck for the future.

"Victoria Rose Anderson." He said into the microphone as she went up to collect her certificate and shake a teachers hand.

It took about 5 minutes before they got to the kids who's surnames began with a C.

"Lauren Elizabeth Collins." Mr.Marshall said into the microphone.

I stood up, walked up the steps and across the stage to shake Mrs.Kennedy's hand and collect the certificate and then walk to the other side and take a seat on the benches.

They give you a number so that you can find your seats easily.

"Maddison Emily German."

"Woo! Go Maddie!" I shouted as she turned red and shook her head at me.

The crowds of parents, friend, students and teachers applauded as Maddie walked down and took a seat next to me.

"Laur, you can't do that." She laughed.

It wasn't long until Reine was to go up. I could see she was nervous and Meg was trying to keep her calm.

"Reine Maria Linn."

Meg patted her sholder as she stood up and walked up onto the stage.

"How does it feel now you have graduated?" I asked as Maddie pretended to hold a microphone infront of her.

"Good. Thanks for not embarrassing me Laur." She giggled.

"Yeah, I had the joys of that." Maddie said sarcastically.

"Now do we call out to Meg as she gets hers?" I suggested.

"I think we should." They both smirked.

There were quite a few names before Megs was called.

"Megan Jean Thompson."

"Well done Meg!" We all shouted as she walked down the other side of the stage towards us and turned red.

"Guys..." She laughed.

There were about 10 more people before the principle ended the event with a speach. Our year was quite small so we didn't have to sit for ages.

"I just want to say a big thank you to this great group of students. You have done so well and we are very proud of every single one of you -"

It went on and on and on.

"Good luck for the future!" He said and it was over.

Music played and we all tossed our hats in the air.

Forever Or Never? ~ A Drew Dirksen Fanfic (Sequel To Change Of Plan)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя