Chapter 8 ~ Very Long Plane Journey

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Lauren's Pov :

The que for the plane was quite long. It was a good half an hour before they scanned our boarding passes and let us on the plane.

They boys sat us in twos, so Kaitlin and I was on the Left and Megan and Georgie directly in line, on the right.

"Let's here this long story then. We've got like 7 hours to kill." Kaitlin said.

"What kind of story?" Megan and Georgie asked, intreaged.

"How Lauren and Drew met." Kaitlin replied.

"Why doesn't Megan tell us how her and Austin met? " I suggested.

"Well, it was like a year and a half ago, I was in starbucks, it had just been raining and Austin ran in and bumped into me, spilling coffee all over my jumper. He kept apologising and bought me another one. We started talking and that and then he asked me out on a date." Megan said. "Georgie?"

"Nate and I went to the same school and I had a massive crush on him. He was playing a song with his friends at the time for an assembly and i really wanted to go but i had a match at the same time so i missed it but he came to watch the 2nd half. He came over at the end and was really sweet and offered me a drum lesson because somehow he knew that i really wanted to play the drums, it kinda went up from there. Kaitlin?"

"We went to the same school, same year and that. We were paired up together for a project which i was so thankful for because Levi is so sweet and then he asked me out and that's kinda it." Kaitlin said. "And the story we've all been dying to here." She gestured to me and Georgie and Megan lent forward.

"I used to like Nate, so Drew and I came up with a plan to make him jealous by going out. The plan worked but I fell for Drew so we made it official. Long story cut short."

"That's cute." Megan smiled.

"So do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked Kaitlin, trying to change the topic.

She nodded and we searched through the different movies that were on the plane.

● ● ●

"Do you want a M&M?" Kaitlin asked, making me stir from my sleep.

"Oh, yes please." I yawned.

"There's only 4 hours left before we land and here ya go." She said handing me the bag.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome and do you know the plan for after the plane journey?"

"Not really but I expect that there will be a taxi or something there for us."

"Yeah probably. When did Drew tell you about tour?"

"Literally the evening before."

"Oh I had like a few days notice. Boys hey?" She laughed.

"Yeah, what would we do without them. Look Georgie and Megan are soundo."

"They must be really tired."

"Talking about tired ..."

We both yawned in unison before falling asleep. The cold vibrations of the plane on my arm and Kaitlin who fell asleep on my sholder.
I couldn't wait to get to the hotel and fall asleep.

Forever Or Never? ~ A Drew Dirksen Fanfic (Sequel To Change Of Plan)Where stories live. Discover now