Nothing Can Go Wrong...Right?

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Austin and Ally approached the beach, and Ally could feel the buzzing in the pit of her stomach as they did. It was just her and Austin, alone, with no one paying them any attention. Though she nearly wanted to turn to Austin and just blurt out the question she had been thinking about the most, she knew that would be irrational and very unlike her normal self.

Do you love me? Just four words, but just by saying them out loud, they could chang everything. Not necessarily for the better. 

Wanting to clear her mind however, Ally suggested they take a walk to the lighthouse. It was old and abandoned, with kind of a haunted feeling to it, yet somehow, she found it peaceful. To get there, they had to walk across the beach. The tide was low, so they strolled at the edge of the water, the miniature waves surrounding her sandals every now and then.

Then Austin turned to her suddenly. "Hey Ally?" he asked. "Can I ask you something?"

Ally looked up at him, squinting in the afternoon sunlight. "Of course you can, Austin," she replied, slightly confused.

"Do you still like Dallas?" Ally looked past Austin, resting her gaze on the beautiful Miami ocean. She shook her head slowly.

"No. I don't think so. I mean, even when I did like him, it was kind of more of a schoolgirl crush, ya know? I didn't...really care about him." She explained, directing her eyes back to Austin's face. She almost smiled when she saw how relieved he looked. She almost didn't notice when he took her hand. But the warm feeling that spread through her veins when he did was undeniable.

"So...who do you care about?" Austin whispered. They had been gradually slowing down as the lighthouse came into sight. Now they stopped. And Ally did something she never expected to do.

"Ask me that again in about two minutes," she said softly.

"Why-" he was cut off as Ally pressed her lips against his. He seemed surprised at first, but then he returned the gesture. The buzzing in Ally's stomach turned into a full-on fireworks show, as they kissed passionately for a minute. Austin never wanted this moment to end. It was just way too perfect. He felt like his lips belonged on hers, and he wished he could let them stay like that forever.

When they finally broke apart, Ally's expression was hard to read. While her eyes shone with excitement, they were also  bewildered, saying, Did we really just...

But then her face fell, like something terrible had just occurred to her. "Austin...," she began. He could see tears welling up in her eyes.

"Ally, what's wrong?" he asked. She didn't answer. Not wanting Austin to have to see her cry again, she just shook her head, then spun around and ran back the way they had come.

For the second time that day, Austin was left staring at the spot where Ally was before she left him. But this time, he had no idea what was going on. And this time, he chased after her.


Her feet crashed through the wet sand, tears streaming down her face. It wasn't that what she and Austin had just done wasn't incredible, it was that...once she moved...none of it would matter anymore. She didn't want to have to suffer the heartbreak that would surely come once she left, if the two of them became too close.

"Ally!" she could hear Austin calling her name, several times, but she didn't slow down. She sprinted across the beach, then jogged the few blocks into Sonic Boom. She didn't stop once until she reached the practice room, and shut the door behind her, but forgot to lock it.

She didn't even bother wiping her eyes, for she knew she was bound to cry again. Sitting at the piano, Ally embraced the only thing that ever made her calm when she was upset. Music. Well, actually, Austin also knew how to comfort her, but right now, she was going to be calmed by music.

Her hands moved across the keys in a blur. She wasn't even paying attention to what she was playing, but by the time she finally stopped, she was on a song her mother had taught her, just before leaving for Africa. Thinking of her mother made her want to start weeping all over again, but she had pretty much cried herself out.

Ally still blamed herself for her mom's death. She had never told anyone about it, and wasn't even sure if her father knew the entire story. But she pushed those memories out of her mind. Or at least she tried to, but she must have sort of zoned out, because the next thing she knew, a hand was being waved in her face. Straightening up, she looked around and found Austin standing behind her, with a mixed expression of mild amusement and deep concern.

When he noticed that Ally was no longer staring off into space, he took his hand away. "Ally?" he whispered softly. "Are you okay?" Ally frowned.

"How long have you been there?" she asked.

"Don't try and change the subject. We really need to talk." Ally stood up and stared nervously at the ground.

"I know," she murmured. "I..I'm sorry I ran off like that. Sorry to have had to worry you. It's just...Austin, I really like you. When we kissed, it was..."

"Amazing," Austin finished for her. She raised her head to give him a small smile.

"Yes, it was amazing. But that's what I'm worried about. If we start dating, and then I have to move..." Okay, so she hadn't quite cried herself out yet. Ally didn't object when Austin put his arm around her shoulder. She sobbed into his shirt. "Austin, I would just miss you so much!" she said between breaths. He pulled her into a full hug. They just stood there in each others arms for a minute.

For that moment, Ally felt safe, like nothing could ever harm or hurt her, nothing could ever go wrong. Not when she was with Austin.

But then she knew she had to pull away. As much as she hated the idea of a life without Austin Moon, she knew she had to.

"Ally," he said. "I understand your point. But I don't think we should let that get in our way. I mean, it's already obvious how we feel about each other. If you do end up moving, I want to have some really fantastic memories. With you." She nodded slowly.

"I get what you're saying, too. Just because I might have to leave, doesn't mean we shouldn't make the most of our time together."

"Exactly." He pulled her in, and they shared another blissful kiss. Eventually, they broke apart. When they did, the first thing Austin said was, " Ally, will you be my girlfriend, for as long as you can?"

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