Chapter 6

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I'm gonna start posting this story every Thursday


Night of the sleepover because I'm lazy :p
Also i know it said the next Monday or what ever but I'm gonna change it to a few months later, because I can.

Lizzie's POV

"Jim! Quick they are gonna arrive soon." I yell for my younger brother, who's in his room. "Coming!" He yelled back.

"Hi Scott." I said while opening the door to the cyan haired boy. "Hiya! Where's Jimmy?" He questions as I invite him in as he put his bag on the floor. "I'm coming!" Our heads turned to the direction of Jimmy yelling while running down the stairs. "Don't trip and hurt yourself!" Cried Scott. "Oh plaese. I never trip." He closed his eyes while walking through the hallway but tripped over the piano stool. (Little headcanon that Jimmy plays piano, not well but he's learning." "Jimmy!?" Scott rushed over to the annoying blonde, picking him up easily.  I quietly began giggling at the scene. "You okay?" He placed the blonde on the stool, crouching down and looking at him. Jimmy just hung his head in shame. "That never happen.." he mumbled. "I saw nothing but your knee is scratched up and it's drawn a little bit of blood." (Jim is wearing shorts.) Scott can you take care of him for me, I need to see to the others when they arrive." I told him. He nodded picking the blonde up again. "Where's the sitting room?" He asks me. "On the left." I pointed to the area. "Thank you." He walked away to the living room, with a grumpy Jimmy on his back.

Joel, Scar and Grian arrived all at the same time and I told them to go to the living room.

Jimmy's POV

That was embarrassing my crush watching my trip and fall. He also picked my up and EASILY too! He took my to the sitting room and placed me on one of the chairs. "Don't move." He warned me and walked out of the room. I decided not to listen to him a got up and went over to the kitchen (they're connected, sorry if the house plan doesn't makes sense.)

I grabbed a cookie from the top cupboard and as I turned around I was met by a mad looking Scott. "Hey.." I admit he looks terrifying mad. "You moved." He got closer to me. "Sorry I was hungry, you can't leave my starving." I whined a bit. He grabbed my shirt collar and dragged my bag to the sitting room. "Sit." he commanded, pointing to the sofa. I obliged. "Good boy." He whispered quietly in my ear. I began to blush hard. "Fuck fuck fuck, he's so hot." I thought to myself. "Here." He put a damp cloth on the graze and a plaster to stop the slight bleeding. "Thank you." I smiled at him.

"Can I ask you something,Jim?" He sat next to me. "Sure." I turned my body to look at him. "Umm... I like you but not in a friend way.." he looked away, very shyly. "What?" I tilted my head in confusion. "You don't like me?" I said. "No, the opposite! I want you to be my boyfriend." He was blushing. "Really!?" I was shocked but in a good way. "I've liked you since we first met." He put one of his hands on my shoulder. "I love you." I accepted his confession. "May I kiss you?" He asks. "Sure but it's my first time." I told him, before we kissed.

Grian's POV

Lizzie pointed the way to the sitting room to put our stuff there, but when we got their we were taken back a bit.  "What do we do." I propose. "Are they?" Joel whispered to me and Scar, I nod to answer his question. "Ew." I said. Scar looked at me, confused. "Gri, we literally do that." He whispered. "What!?" Joel was surprised about the news. "That's different." I looked to see the two looking at me. "No it's not." Scar smirked. "You guys are strange." A voice behind us appeared. "Oh hey, Pearl." Joel said. "Why are you guys watching those two make out?" She questions. "We were instructed to come here." Scar said. "Well let's go back until they are done." She tells us, we turn to leave but scar stops us. "Guys they haven't stopped yet, is that bad?" He looks back at the two boys. "Scar we can't be here, no more." I grab his hand a drag him away.

I've started writing again!
If you want me to write a story about a ship you like plaese do tell me, I need more ships.
Word count:821

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