Some Hermit and Empire Canons i have about this book

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Just something silly for you guys to enjoy
(You don't have to read this, it's not really important)

Jimmy would be the kinda guy to like really weird food combinations (sorry if that sounds bad, I'm a really picky eat and if you like it then you do, plaese don't hate me D:) like cheese and ice cream (first thing to come to mind)

Jimmy would be the kinda person to face plant the floor and either cry his little heart out or just carry on with life, Scott is horrified every time his does this

Scott likes wearing gold jewellery and make up

When Jimmy was younger he would eat bugs, mud and other stuff... he still eats mud in secret

The Major children all braid each others hair, Scott has two braids, Xornoth has one braid and Lauren has space buns has have braids wrapped around them

Jimmy had a pet hamster that tried to commit suicide but then saw Jimmy one day and had a heart attack (he (Jimmy) was never then same after

Mumbo has cried over ducks, no one knows why not even him and he's done it several times even if the ducks are healthy and just in a pond

Scar is a picky eater and can't deal with the texture of cucumbers and tomatoes

Grian has drunk glue when he was 14 to impress his crush and they still dated (Scar maybe?)

Shelby has mushrooms in jars in her room and Kathrine has broken multiple by accident

Kathrine like to cosplay with Shelby and Pix sometimes

Pix can't spell lasagna and some times it pisses him off

Mumbo, Grian and Inpulse have all nearly burnt down their kitchen and Scar has managed too

Scar has heterochromia and his iris (the colour part of your eye) is split green and brown

Joel has braces

Lizzie wants to be a lawyer when's she's out of school

Joey is in dept to his hairstylist of $125 and they're a family member

Grian has a gap in his teeth

Pearl has Tritanopia (unable to tell the difference between blue and green, purple and red, and yellow and pink. It also makes colors look less bright)

Oli has broken his arm from horse riding but has lied about how he broke his arm

Oli has eaten mould more then once and it's landed him in the hospital

Gem like collecting crystals and gives some to Pearl as well

Scott named a bear that he sleeps with 'jimmy' and Xornoth knows this as he red Scott's diary many times

Sausage only knows how to swear in Spanish and for some reason French

Fwhip had an ear infection in his left ear because of sausage

Lizzie has dyed Jimmy's hair red before and he cried because he said he looked like 'that demon guy, who has a angel boyfriend' and she still doesn't know who he's was referring too

Scott has a poster of a koi his on his wall

Jimmy nearly died because of the sims

Scar has been band from his local food shop and his face is in the window to remind him that he's band a bad it's the only place that sells the best donuts so Grian has to get them

Mumbo has drank someone's blood and enjoyed it

Xisuma has been called dad, which is understandable but once Zed called him mum and has not called him anything else since

Pearl sometimes forgets to eat and Gem always calls her to remind her, they sometimes go out and have noodles together

Mumbo knows five languages (English, French, Spanish, German and Welsh) and British sign language

Fwhip has snake bites (piercing) in black and gold

Jimmy picks at his scabs and gets yelled at by Scott

Fwhip is lactose intolerant but still eats dairy

Mumbo has never seen his parents only black and white picture of when they were younger and lives with his aunt

(hopefully I'll introduce him in the book soon) Martyn palm reads

Martyn has gaslit Jimmy before saying that he was adopted, Lizzie has joined in and he has asks his mum about and once she said yes

Scott, Pearl and Joel are claustrophobic, Pearl having it really bad due to trauma

Joel has an amazing knowledge about astrology

Scar, Mumbo and Grian have a stardew valley farm together and Grian married Alex which made Scar sad

Gem has a badly damaged phone and Fwhip was the one who made it like that

Joel had an obsession with wolves as a small child

Fwhip has murdered millions of ants and grasshoppers

Katherine and Shelby are vegetarian and have picnics every month

Scott has been threatened to play Pokemon sun with Jimmy

Scott has a hatred towards Pokemon

Joel has an issue with rabbits after bit him

Pix has had his left kidney removed

Grian has an secret online identity, Arianna Griande and only Martyn, Mumbo, Lizzie, Joel and Zedaph know, Scar is a massive fan of his stuff

Scar used to stream COD and he had a really bad microphone and his only viewer was X

EX is bi-polar and also has hearing loss in one ear

(Will be introduced soon with this canon) Hels and Wels are identical and have switched their school lessons with each other

Scott makes flowers crowns as a way to show effection

Jimmy has worn a banana costume in public

Fwhip can't swim and has almost drowned

False's hidden talent is that she's amazing at baking and makes a lot for her friends and family

Lizzie had a dog called Gracie but she ran away

Gem plays the harp and Pearl listens to her play (it's a level harp, not pedal)

Joel was gone to Mount Fuji

Joey writes Fanfics about teachers on ao3 and hasn't admitted to it

I didn't really want to write a chapter today but I have some spark now
Tell me your opinions on these
Word count:1000 fuck

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