Chapter 10

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Thank you for 1k views! Also I lost my script (writing plan) so I'll have to go with what happens.

Scott's POV

It's the end of the day and I asked Jimmy if he'd like to come to my house and he said 'yes'. We walked from school to my house together talking about what happened in detention. "I met someone named Wels and he's nice." Jimmy told me. "Nice, isn't he the brother of Hels?" I ask him. "I think so." He replied.

We entered the house and my mother greeted us. I lead Jimmy upstairs, into my room.

Jimmy's POV

I was in Scott's room, it was quite spacious with light grey walls and a bright cyan accent wall. Fake ivy hung over his canopy bed and weaved down to other areas in the room, LED lights were wrapped around his ceiling. He had a balcony window that overlooked his garden. "Your bedroom looks like something out of a fairytale, your like a prince!" I said in awe looking around his room. "Aw, thanks Jim!" He sat down on his desk chair and I sat on his bed.

We hung out, did some homework, made out and played some video games together before I had to go. "It's 6:31, I told Lizzie I'd be back soon." I told Scott, putting my shoes and jacket back on. "Bye, love you." I waved to Scott.

"Hey! Im back!" I yelled to Lizzie and my mother if she was back from work. "Hey Jim good timing, I've just finished dinner." I ran too the kitchen to see pasta with red chilli sauce and vegetables. "Thank you." I said while getting the table ready for us to eat.

Lizzie's POV

Mum walked in the door when I was finishing the washing up, she looked tired and probably was she has two jobs and is a single mother of three but she doesn't see Martyn much because he went to a private school. she's had it hard. "I've left your food in the oven." I dried my hands on the tea towel as I told her. "Thank you, Liz." She said exhausted. I smiled and began grabbing a plate for her. "Before I forget, I've not been able to afford money for Martyn's school, he's going to go to yours and Jimmy's school." She said. "When was he here last, Christmas? I'm thankful, I've missed him and so has Jimmy." I smiled. "He's arriving Friday night and going to school next week." She began eating her meal. "Well I'm heading to bed now, bye." I left to kitchen to my bedroom.

It was now 6 o'clock in the evening and me, Jimmy and my mum were waiting at the train station for Martyn. "I see him!" Jimmy announced, pointing at so random person. "For the last time Jimmy that's not going to be Martyn." I hissed at him. "Hey!" I looked toward we're Jimmy was pointing to see Martyn. "My baby boy!" My mother cried to Martyn embracing him into a hug, me and Jimmy join in. "I'm so glad your back." Jimmy said.

My and Jimmy helped Martyn unboxing his things and getting his boxes of stuff that we had before we moved. "Hey, who's this?" Jimmy was looking at a picture of Martyn and some girl with a sugar glider pin badge on her jacket. "Oh that's Netty." Martyn looked at the photo. "She's a friend of mine." He smiled and sat on his bed next to me. "What's happens with you guys?" Martyn asks us. "It's a lot to unfold." I said.

This was my second or third version of this chapter, I got heavily distracted and rewatched the whole of shadowcraft
Word count:626

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