Chapter Fourteen

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My stomach rises to my chest as my body descends. The world around me is a whirlwind, yet I fall straight down on a seemingly endless plane.

"New York City. New York City," I repeat over and over to myself. There is doubt in me as to how this portal works, and the last thing I need is to be lost in a random realm.

I look down and notice a black dot coming closer and closer. Before my brain has time to process what is happening, my body slips through the darkness. I close my eyes.

My body hits what feels like grass. Soft, yet firm enough to leave a nice bruise on my knee. I open my eyes and my suspicions are confirmed.

I'm in a park covered with trees and grass, in the distance stands skyscrapers. Central Park.

A groan comes from beside me. "I see we made it," Ana says.

"Always wanted to go here," Sam adds, her voice strained.

By some miracle there is no one around us. No one saw three girls magically appear, that'll make things easier.

"What do we do now?" Sam asks as we rise to our feet, "It's kind of impossible to find one guy in this city."

"I like impossible," I say bluntly. I head toward one of the pathways, my head searching rapidly through the crack in the trees.
The sun shines brightly, reminding me I have plenty of time.

"Arabella this is insane," Ana says appearing next to me. "There has to be clues."

I stop and turn to face her, "And how are we supposed to find those?"

"You seem to have forgotten we have powers."

"I know that," I scoff, "but what good are they? Sure we can read other people and move objects but how does that track down a single person in a city of millions?"

"What's that?" Sam asks, pointing to a piece of paper caught on a tree branch. It isn't crumpled, rather folded, and the paper isn't vivid but faded.

Ana gives an irritated look, "Litter! I swear do people not know how to-"

I run to the paper. It couldn't be, could it?

I reach the branch and take the paper off. It's the exact same as the notes I'd received.

Sam and Ana appear behind me out of breath.

"Is it.....what...I...think it is?" Ana huffs.

I nod, my hands gripping the possible key to the love of my life.

The Lost Boy (Sequel to The Lost Realm)Where stories live. Discover now