Chapter One: School

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"Honey are you ready for school!" Yelled mom from the kitchen.
Ugh. School.
"Uh yea, give me five more minutes!" I yelled then wiped the tears streaming down my face and put my scarf over my head.

I never liked school. Well, I mean I love school and learning, but I just don't like the the people there. They are cruel. I just started eleventh grade and everything is getting worse.
"Amy! Hurry up!" Exclaimed mom.
" I'm coming!" I said while grabbing my backpack.
We got in the car and started talking as she drove.
"So, Amy, how are you?" Asked mom.
"I'm fine, I guess." I answered looking out the window.
"That's good, how's school?" She asked. Mom knew I was getting bullied, but I told her it stopped even though it didn't.

"Uh, good..." I say looking down. I can feel my tears trying to force themselves out.

"Are you sure?" She asked while parking the car.
"Uh, yea" I said hesitantly and got out the car. "Bye mom."
Phew, that was close. I walk down the halls and I spot my friends Amanda and Carrie. They know I get bullied and they said they'll help me out if anyone hurts me.
"Hey guys" I said.
"Hey Amy!" Exclaimed Carrie and Amanda.
"How's it going?" Asked Carrie.

"Eh, could be better." I responded.

We all head to our first period class. I actually don't have any classes with Carrie and Amanda, so I only get to see them during lunch and after school.

I sit down in the front row. I have math class and I love math but I hate my class. Well I hate some classmates like Trisha. Trisha is one of the popular girls. She thinks she's cool and all, but she she really isn't. She's cruel.
"Hey girls, look who we have here, it's Amy the terrorist." yelled Trisha as she gave me a dirty look.
I ignored her.
"Go back to where you're from!" She said laughing. The class laughed. I actually was born here in Los Angeles, so I am where I'm from.

I stayed quiet.

I feel like crap already and it's 7:55a.m. Class doesn't start till 8:05a.m. I don't know what they have against me. They just see all that crap about Muslims blowing shit up and now they think all Muslims are the same. Terrorists. I'm a Muslim, there's nothing wrong with that...I just wish I was happy

"Okay class, settle down and take out a piece of paper and a pencil, you guys will have a test." Said Mrs. Sweller.

Trisha sits behind me and I heard her say she forgot to study, but I know what she'll probably do. Copy me.

"Pst, Amy, can I copy of you?" Trisha whispered.
"Uh, no, this is a test." I replied calmly.
"Do you think I fucking care, haha, you're gunna let me copy you or I'll make your life even more miserable." Trisha said angrily.
"Fine, go ahead..." I said while looking down.
"Stupid-ass" I mumbled.
"What was that?" Trisha asked
"Nothing." I said.
I let her copy from over my shoulder, but I marked the wrong answers. Then when she got up to turn her paper in, I erased my false answers and fixed them, then handed in my paper.

Class ends. I head out the classroom and quickly walk over to my second period class. It's earth science...thank god Trisha isn't in there.

After second period I head out to my third period, English. Then finally, lunch time.

I head to the cafeteria and get in line to get my lunch. Everyone just stares.

It kind of sucks being the only Muslim girl at your school.

"Hello Amy, what would you like to eat today?." Asked Cindy the lunch lady.
"What are you guys serving today?" I asked smiling.
"We have tacos and pepperoni pizza." Cindy answered.
"Well I can't have the pizza, so I'll get two tacos haha." I said.

Muslims can't eat pork, so that's why I got the tacos.

"Okay, that'll be $2.00." She said.

I hand her the money and she hands me my tray with food. It seemed like she wanted to ask me something, but anyways I didn't get a drink because I have a Coke in my backpack.
I look around and I try to spot my friends again.

I see them with Trisha.

I wonder what's going on.
I look around and I see almost all the tables full of kids. I asked someone if I can have the seat beside them.

She said no and that she was "saving it for someone". I knew she was lying.

Then I found an empty table and I just sat there and ate. Then Carrie and Amanda come.

"Hey Amy." Amanda said.
"Oh, hey guys, what's up", I said smiling.
" We were just with Trish." Said Carrie.

Since when did they call her "Trish".

"Oh okay, what were you guys talking
about?" I asked after I drank a sip of my coke.
"Oh well, she just invited us to a party she's hosting." Amanda said happily.

" Oh, she invited you guys, but not me?" I asked then looked down.

"Yep" said Amanda looking down.
"Are you guys really going to go?" I said .
"Look Amy, I know you guys aren't on good terms, but it doesn't mean I can't hang out with her." Said Carrie rolling her eyes.

"Wow, you guys know she picks on me every single damn day and you still want to go to her stupid party? I said angrily and stood up.

"That's between you and her Amy, I can't keep kissing your ass!" Yelled Amanda.
"Kissing my ass? What kind of friends are you? You guys just used me. I've known you guys for so many years and now you're going to turn your back on me?" I exclaimed.

"Oh please, stop your bullshit. You're just mad you didn't get invited." Yelled Carrie, then stood up.

"Haha, really, you think I'm mad? I'd rather eat shit than to go to Trisha's party! I yelled.

Everyone was staring at us.

"Calm down Amy! This is pathetic! I'm done! I don't ever want to see you again! Come on Carrie." Exclaimed Amanda walking away.

I sat there looking down at my food. I don't know what came over me. I really thought they were my friends. They knew how much I hated her...My face felt hot and I feel like crying. Everyone was staring, especially Trisha. I ran to the restroom and started crying. Then I decided to go to the nurse and tell her my stomach hurts, so that I can go home. I didn't want to be here anymore. I feel unwanted. I don't belong in this world anymore. Trisha's been bullying me since the sixth grade. That's when I started wearing my religious clothing.

I wish I can be normal.

Chp 2 is coming soon! Tell me what you think? Like, follow, and comment!
Have a nice day!
Also, check out my new book I'm writing!

Tammy xxx

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