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I woke up to Anna running around the room with her hand on her forehead, i sat up and rubbed my eyes aggressively before turning to Anna who was stressed, or mad? I really couldnt tell. I placed my feet on the floor and sat up and made my way towards Anna, she didnt notice me yet until i grabbed her by her shoulders and turned her towards me.

"Shit! You scared me!" She said as she let out a sigh of relief and i took my hands off her shoulders.

"Its 4AM right now Anna, what are you running around the room for?!" I slightly yelled at her.

"I dont know Angel, i just..." She paused for a moment before letting out a sigh and walking towards my bed, she sat down with a tired expression on her face, i think?

"I just can't believe we're going to leave California" She huffed before looking up at me.

"Okay i get that, but that still doesn't explain why you were running around the room" I said as i sat down next to her and laying down with a huff.

"I-" before she could even speak Carolina barged in our room with an excited look on her face.

"Girls! Get up our flight is in 2 hours!!" She beamed before running towards us and grabbing both of our hands and dragging us.

"Im tired Lina" i complained with a groan before making my way towards the closet and choosing a comfortable outfit.

"Loosen up a little! You'll sleep on the plane Angel." Lina said, i really wasn't ready to leave, even though i knew German and i was going to see my bestfriends, i was really nervous for some reason.

I just let out a loud groan before picking up my clothes and making my way towards the bathroom, i wore some grey sweatpants and a white hoodie, and i put my hair up in a bun because i was too lazy to style it, knowing that i was going to be on a plane for 11 hours i didn't even bother trying.

As i was finally finished dressing up, i left the bathroom and made my way downstairs, i went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl, i dumped some cereal in the bowl followed by some milk, i then grabbed a spoon and placed it in the bowl, i then made my way to the stool where we always eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, i sat down and grabbed my phone from my pocket and went through social media.

Then for some reason i started calculating some shit, "okay so, we'll be leaving at 6AM and it will take us 11 hours to get to Hamburg, so that means..." i paused for a moment and i started counting with my fingers and squinted my eyes, concentrating.

"Yes! We'll arrive in Hamburg at 5PM" i yelled, proud of myself as if i was a math genius, well i was never good at math back then when i was a kid. so solving this easy equation surprised me, even though a 5-year-old could also solve it, i was still proud of myself.

After several minutes the girls finally arrived with tons of suitcases, mostly Carolina "Woah, you'll be needing all of this?" I said pointing to Carolina and her suitcases which made her look at her suitcases then back at me "Yeah, is there a problem" She said as she shrugged and glared at me, "No, not at all mother" i said as i held my hands up a bit, which made the girls laugh.

We all left the house and locked the door, we all took a last glance at our beautiful house we shared many memories with, "We'll be back" Carolina said with a pout, it seemed like she was about to cry, "I hope not" Isabella mumbled before running to the car, which made me and Anna laugh out loud like hyenas.


We finally made it to the Airport after tons of fighting and laughing in the car, i was even more exhausted than before and all i wanted to do was sleep.

𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐅𝐈𝐓𝐒 ✦ 𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐊𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐙 ✦Where stories live. Discover now