a new life

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(y/n) was resting on what felt like a table. He doesn't remember fully well what happened yesterday but he knows that he passed out. While he was starting to open his eyes, he started to hear faint noises, noises he didn't recognize but it sounded like a group of people were talking to him. As he started to open his eyes, the noise started to feel more clear and recognizable and his eye vision was getting better. As he started to open his eyes, he saw the roof looked different and rusting.

???: hey wakey wakey. It's time to get up.

As he opened his eyes to fully see that he was on a table and surrounding him were five people he didn't notice.

(y/n): what the?

Then one of them put their faces near (y/n)'s.

???: wake up bitch.

(y/n) then panicked so hard as he quickly got up from the table he was sleeping on and fell off it. Then he quickly got back up and started to back away from the five people that had surrounded him.

(y/n): stay the fuck back away from all of you!

He said as he started to panic of not knowing where he was at all. As he backed himself to a corner, he started to show off electricity from his hand. Warning them to get back. While he was doing that, the 5 people tried to keep him calm by telling him to stay calm and that everything will be okay.

???: whao whao! I know this looks bad but you don't have to be aggressive.

(y/n): I don't any of you how you expect me to react.

???: with a thank you!

(y/n): for kidnapping me!

???: we didn't kidnap you! We just picked you up from the street without your permission and took you back to our place, without permission.

(y/n): that fucking kidnapping!

???: Okay yeah that does sound like kidnapping but we did it with good attention.

(y/n): na fuck this.

(y/n) the blow a hole in the wall next to him with his electricity power to escape. He entered the wall and was now in the hallway as he started to run away.

???: what the hell! He blew a hole in the wall! I have to fix that!

(y/n) kept running through the hallway to a place he doesn't recognize but he kept running aways to hopefully escape his kidnappers. As he kept running, he made many lefts and turned to the point he felt like he was in an endless maze with no end. After running for a bit, he finally found what seemed to be a living room of some sort, but then found what seemed to be an exit door.

(y/n): finally.

(y/n) he quickly ran up to it and burst through to freedom. Well that's what he thought. The second he got outside, one of the five people just suddenly appeared out of the shadows and tackled him to the ground. When the person tackled (y/n), he tried to push him off but he was having a hard time.

(y/n): get off of me!

???: and make a scene! No way dude!

(y/n): I wouldn't make a scene if you just—let—me go?

(y/n) then looked outside to look at the city he was in to see it wasn't a city he recognized at all. The more he looked at it, the more he realized he was in a completely different place. It wasn't the city he lived in but a different one, he was in a different city.

(y/n): where the hell did you take me?

???: Well, we took you to our secret hideout.

(y/n): secret hideout? What the hell are you talking about?

my hero academia: electric villainyWhere stories live. Discover now