rose garden

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It was another day, and that meant another day of being miserable.

Especially for (y/n).

There he still resides, sitting on the couch as he stared off to the TV hoping to get lost in Tv land. Sadly though there wasn't much on Tv for him to watch. Well there was but most of it was just hero related things, and he was getting sick of it.

"In other heroes news—"

"All might had yet again stopped another—"

"Death arms saves over—"

"Your ruin of terror ends here villain—"

"I will never give up, because I am a hero—"

"Even as a hero i question my own choices—"

"There's no such things as seconds chances for villains like you—"

After switching through many channels, (y/n) turned off the Tv. putting away the remote control on the table after failing to find a channel to entertain him. He let out a sigh of boredom, bored out of his mind. As he sat on the couch, he heard someone coming out of the kitchen room, that being Petra Gurin. Coming out with sardines in her hand for her to eat. Taking one out of her hand, hovering it over her mouth. Then dropping it into her mouth, chewing on it and swallowing it.

(y/n): hey.

He called out for her, getting her attention.

(y/n): By any chance do we have any streaming services that I can watch?

He asked her, Petra shook her head as she put another sardine in her mouth. Annoying (y/n).

(y/n): what do you mean no?

He asked in annoyances, Petra still hid a sardine in her mouth. So she quickly chewed it up and swallowed it.

Petra: It means no.

She gave a basic answer which annoyed (y/n) even more.

(y/n): No, I mean why don't we have any streaming services?

Petra: because that involves us making an account and the police can track us with that.

She responded back, as she put another sardine in her mouth. Continue to annoy (y/n). But she quickly swallows it.

Petra: also we don't pay for multiple streaming services for months.

(y/n): then use that tech savvy head of yours and get us free streaming services, one that the police can't track us!

Getting up from the couch in anger, (y/n) annoyance just grew the more the conversions went on. Though Petra still remains calm.

Petra: Well you can always ask Luca if he can share his streaming services account.

(y/n): but I don't have Luca's password, I don't even have his phone number.

Petra: Well Selen does so you can always ask her.

(y/n): but Selen is out right now with Uki and Alban at Shishioka City.

He responded back in annoyance. Remembering when they left the house with their disguise.

Petra: well maybe you should go hang out with them as well if you're that board and have nothing else to do.

She responded back, annoying (y/n) even more. Since you know, he can't really don't that with his current state.

(y/n): um, hello?

He said, waving his hand out himself and the suit that he has to wear. The one he needs to wear to protect himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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