a new home

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(y/n) started to open his eyes to a completely different place. Again, he really needs to work on that. Anyways, he started to open his eyes to see the 5 people were surrounding him again.

(y/n): what the—

He tried to get up but then noticed that he was strapped to a chair with a bunch of robbers containing him.

Selen: yeah sorry, we had to do that until you calm down.

She said to (y/n) but he ignored her.

(y/n): what the hell did you do?

He said in a tired voiced

Uki: We kicked your ass.

Rosemi: Also we stopped you from killing your father.

Uki: but mostly kicked your ass.

(y/n): YOU WHAT!

Uki: we kicked your—

(y/n): no, the first one.

Uki: oh yeah that, we stopped from killing your dad.

(y/n): why! Aren't you guys supposed to be villains!

Alban: Well we are villains but you know. Just because you're a bad guy, doesn't mean you're a bad guy.

(y/n) just looked at him as if he was the stupidest person he had ever seen. What does that even mean?

(y/n): what?

Alban: Look, what I'm saying is that just because you're a villain doesn't mean you have to kill someone.

(y/n): you think i give a shit! That man ruined my life!

Rosemi: And killing that man won't fix it.

(y/n): it will make it feel better!

Petra: look just calm down—

(y/n): calm down, how do you calm down in this situation! Next thing I know I was in an accident and the next thing i know is that i'm now a wanted man!

Selen: and you would have become even more of a wanted man if you killed him!

(y/n): I don't care!

Selen: And that's the problem!

(y/n): you know what! Fuck you! I'm going to kill him for making my life miserable and ruining it!

Selen: yeah, not happening.

(y/n): arg! Some villains you guys are.

Alban: hey we're professionals and professionals have standards.

(y/n): fuck your standers!

Uki: Look, in the future you're going to look back at this and thank us.

(y/n): oh yeah, are you physic? If so, do you see me killing you in the future?

He in a socratic mocking voice

Uki: I actually am and no I don't.

Ablan: mostly because he can't see that far.

(y/n) just started to get annoyed by the second, so tried to escape so he kept on trying to escape but he couldn't due to how strong the rubber is, he couldn't.

Petra: Look, you're not going anywhere any time soon so you might as well make yourself comfortable.

(y/n): how, i'm literally binded to this chair.

Rosemi: you're also in that suit, is that even comfortable?

(y/n): not even closed, the latest my dad could have done is made this suit comfortable but i guess i'm asking too much.

my hero academia: electric villainyWhere stories live. Discover now