what do I want?

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It was in the middle of the day, (y/n) was in the living room sitting on a sofa watching the news minding his own business. He was watching the news as he couldn't find any other channels to watch so he had to do it for now. On the news, it was showing a video that a civilian recorded of a recent villain attack, the video Elira and Pomu dealing with a villain together and just like many people said, this is their proof saying how Elira will be the next number one hero of the world. How Elira and Pomu are going to change what it means to be a hero and that other heroic stuff. (y/n) had heard all before, in fact when hasn't he heard it all before. When he and Elira were younger, and still friends. He remembers when Elira first got her quirks and many of their classmates said that she could be the next number one hero, including the teachers. Even he agrees on that. With a quirk that makes you a powerful dragon and the other quirk gives you the power to harness light from the sun. it hard to not see why people think she would be the next number one hero. But what got people saying that she would be the number one hero was her kindness and sympathy towards others and how badly she wanted to help people no matter her sweetness and carnness towards the smallest of things, everything a hero should have. The emotions to always do the right thing. And one of the reasons why he fell in love with Elira in the first place. Seriously, who didn't fall in love with Elira during their time together, literally everyone did. But sadly know one could ever be close enough to Elira to catch her heart for themselves. Well no one except for him at least, (y/n) was the closest to Elira and was the one who spends the most time with her and therefore knows her the most. So if anyone could be the lover of Elira, it would be (y/n) and everyone in their class knew that.

Well that was until Pomu showed up.

Those days, yeah (y/n) would refer to forgetting those days. Everything just went downhill from there. His relationship with Elira was just slowly sinking with Pomu showing up in their lives and to this day he doesn't know why what made Elira love Pomu so much. Was it her looks? Was it her personality? He doesn't know because he never got the chance to know her and because of that, it's a mystery of why Elira loved her so much that she started to distance herself from him just to be around Pomu. because of this, he grow jealous of Pomu but more importantly, he grow to resent Pomu as he believed that she was the main reason why his relationship with Elira just failed. So time he thinks that Pomu intentionally ruined his relationship with Elira just so she could Elira all to herself but that just (y/n) being very paranoid.

Even to this day he blames Pomu for ruining his relationship with Elira. He remembers when he was younger when he heard that Elira first got into U.A highschool, he had a dream where he had a quirk and a really good one in fact. He was much older and he was doing hero work, something he always wanted to do and even better, he was doing it with Elira. They were a crime fighting duo stopping any hero that dared to commit any crime of any kind. In the end of the dream, he also remembers that they would kiss each other as if they were lovers. He remembers loving that dream so much when he was younger so much that he remembers every detail about it. Which in hindsight was creepy and that because it was, let's be honest here. But when you were someone like (y/n) who craved other love and attention because their parents wanted to pretend that you didn't exist to the point they didn't want to consider you as their first born, you tend to get desperate.

As (y/n) bicker about the past, he heard a voice and that being his teammate.

Selen: hey (y/n).

(y/n): oh hey, what do you want?

Selen: Well, my and the others are going to scour the city so we can have a better insight of our surroundings so you, where we can know our surroundings and the routes so we can have smooth and clean heist. All that villains stuff, you know.

(y/n): and you want me to join?

Selen: no, i just want to tell you where we're going, what i want you to do is to make sure to guard our new home from anyone.

my hero academia: electric villainyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang