that how the mafia works

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It was the next day, the gang were celebrating their successful heist from stealing from (y/n)'s dad. They had possibly gotten away with the most successful heist in human history, all done by a bunch of young adults. Now that is something you don't hear everyday and it's probably not going to look good either for his dad if anyone finds out. They were celebrating how successful it was and were also celebrating the new recruit, that being (y/n).

Everyone: welcome to the team!

(y/n): is that a good thing?

Uki: No, not really. You basically need to alway be on the run for the rest of your life.

Alban: should have thought about that before you did a crime willingly.

(y/n): I did, but I still didn't care all that much.

Selen: good because you can't turn back now, this is your life now. Suck it up sucker, like we did when we chose this life.

Rosemi: I still regret it to this day.

Petra: I don't! All that much. Maybe a little.

She said in a sadden voice but also a disappointing voice.

Alban: So now you're an official villain, what's your villain name?

(y/n): villain name?

Alban: We all have villain names. Like my villain name is the phantom thief. Petra's villain name is the penguin.

(y/n): like the Batman villain?

Alban: Well yeah, but you know. What DC comic is going to do about it? Sue us, a bunch of villains. I like to see them try.

(y/n): I think they will try.

Alban: yeah we'll see about that. Anyways, Uki is the purple guy.

(y/n): fnaf?

Uki: yeah i know, it's stupid.

(y/n): then why do you call yourself that?

Uki: I didn't, this bitch called me that during a heist and when people heard him calling me that, people thought that was my villain name so now the news calls me the purple guy.

Selen: Well at least it isn't as bad as my villain name.

(y/n): what's that?

Selen: LSD.

(y/n): what?

He said giggling. LSD, like the chemical compound. What kind of villains name themselves based on a chemical compound?

Selen: yeah i know, it's so stupid. It was supposed to stand for "lunar sky dragon" but it was too long so I tried to shorten it to LSD not knowing it was a chemical compound.

(y/n): it must be confusing and awkward when heroes yell out your name.

Selen: It kind of is, the only ones in this group that have a good villain name are Alban and rosemi.

(y/n): what's rosemi?

Rosemi: mine is the ivy.

(y/n): eh, i guess it's fine.

Alban: so (y/n), what's your villain name?

(y/n) thought about it for a bit. A villain name, what kind of name would be good for him. Well he was obviously based on electricity so his name should be based on electricity. So what name could he be called that is based on electricity and that would be iconic but not only that, bring fear to heroes. Then he thought of something.

my hero academia: electric villainyWhere stories live. Discover now