Ⅰ. Roderick 🗡

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You know, ever since I became the prince of Roweth, I had always wondered about its secrets. Well, up until I was eighteen and these shadow monsters appeared.

The whole kingdom thought we'd die from them, until a random light began taking them away. And it wasn't long until we discovered the light was caused by some group.

We'd thank them, if they'd make themselves known to us. But they choose not to.

Now I'm twenty, and you'd think these monsters would've gone away...but they haven't. My kingdom is still fighting against them but they're stronger than any of our knights.

So my father decided to send me and my group out to find this mysterious group of inventors. If we at least got one of them they would be able to help us in ridding these monsters and saving Roweth.

So my group set out. We made it clear that they weren't in the kingdom so we set aboard a ship to the next island.

But little did we know what awaited us.


"For stars sake! How long until this stupid ship makes it to the island!" Gawain, my guardsman, complained.

"The more you complain, the more you'll make me want to throw you overboard!" Aurae, the most magical elf in our lands, threatened.

Darkstrike looked over at me. "Yes, Swethyna?" I asked.

"Do we have to keep them? Or can we just throw them both out?" she whispered.

"Fortantly, we need them." I remarked.

She groaned, her blond hair shifting as she slumped in her seat.

Gawain and Aurae continued to fight until we made it to shore. Luckily, the only fae I intend on trusting was sailing us as the captain went seasick.

We met on the top deck as the stairs declined to the land.

Rosemary Meadowmint, our fae and who Aurae swooned over, met us on the shore. Her long red hair in a braid and her skirt hiked up to her knees. "Could you people be any slower?" she shouted from the ground.

"Our mistake, Gawain and Aurae were at one another's throats ... .again." I shouted back.

"Such excuses!"

When we made it down, we could see in the distance ladders in the trees.

The island looked like a giant forest, but yet held a building of ruins in the distance.

"Is there a better way of getting there and back without much walking?" Gawain asked. As the idiot he was, he wore his armor and heavy boots. He was also the biggest out of us so this hill wouldn't be quite his friend.

"I could alway acquire a zipline when we got up there. But I would have to set it up here and it would take some time." Aurae suggested.

"Or he can just stay down here while we go up to the building." Rosemary sighed.

"Let's not fight about this." I snapped, stars this group was not in the mood to be here. "Just let Aurae do the zipline. It'll be easier to get people down if we find anyone."

"We're letting any of those 'inventors' walk?" Darkstrike asked me.

"Who says they'll cooperate?" I asked back.

"Roderick makes a point." Gawain says.

Darkstrike rolls her eyes. She hates it when I make points and Gawain agrees.

We head up the hill after moments of arguing. It wasn't before we had made it to the building. Part of me already knew someone was here. 

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