Ⅵ. Meredith 🗡

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After I was done with the herbs I looked up and saw Roderick pulling his shirt over his head and I quickly glanced back down at my feet.

Could he at least warn me before he takes clothes off?

I set the cup down on the table next to me and tried to stand up when I heard a shuffle of clothing. Which gave me the idea that he was getting a new shirt on.

When I got up, I heard footsteps come near me so I froze and looked up. I saw Roderick making his way over to me.

"You don't need to come over here." I stated.

"You look like you're struggling."

"I am not."

He frowned. Like he wanted to be around me. But I already knew that this was an act.

"You're causing a feud that is nonexistent." he said.

"Really? Because I think you started this–" I began.

"When I 'kidnapped' you, yes." he paused. "I know." a strand of his black hair fell over his face. He moved it the second he saw it.

"You did kidnap me."

"If it were a kidnapping you'd be tied up right now."

"I was." I held my leg, it hurt and the herbs weren't working fast enough. "Don't you remember that?"

"I remember most of today, but it's all a blur now." he looked up then back at me with that stupid smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "How much longer until we reach shore?" I didn't want to say the name of the kingdom. Mostly because I hated it.

"Well, it's a twelve hour sail, we got to your island at past noon. So I'd say another two hours."

I sighed.

"You should rest. You're exhausted."

"I can't after what was in my room and the pain in my leg."

"You took the herbs right?"

"Yes, but they don't work right away dipshit."

I can't believe I just called him that. Oh my stars I'm an idiot.

His eyebrows shot up. "Excuse me?" he chuckled. "I don't think I heard you clearly. What did you call me?" he stalked forward a bit.

I backed up until I hit the bed and he was ever so close to me. My breath hitched when he moved closer.

"You want to repeat that?" he asked.

I put a fist on his chest to move him away. "You're a fucking imbecile." I spat.

"Such filthy words coming from a pretty face," he teased.

My eyes widened and he was caught off guard so I pushed him off. "What?" I snapped.

He laughed, making me even more confused. "You are so easy to just tease."

"What the hell does that mean?" I tried to stand up from the bed but I nearly toppled over getting up.

"Nothing, I'm just joking with you and you can't even tell."

"Maybe because I'm in pain."

His laughter stopped and he looked up at me from where he was. "Then rest. We have time before we make it back to Roweth."

I don't trust him. And not at all to sleep in the same room as him.

"I'll wake you when we're close. So it'll be an hour of sleep." He's trying to persuade me. But he's right, I am exhausted and an hour of sleep sounds nice.

But I don't feel comfortable with him. "No." I fought.

"You'll fall asleep before we even reach the castle grounds." he paused. "I'll leave the room and be on the top deck."

That's what convinces me. 

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