ⅩⅠⅠⅠ. Meredith 🗡

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Later that day I sat on my bed, continuing to look out the window. I could hear distant laughter from the kingdom. Part of me wondered if it was my group. But the other didn't. I wanted them to stay as far away from the castle as possible.

Our oath was to not find a lost member if they didn't return after a shift. They either returned or they didn't. By now they know I won't be returning.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock. But I recognized it. Meaning it was Roderick. No one else in the castle has bothered me but him. And his knock was getting annoying.

"Go away Roderick!" I shout.

But he takes that as a welcome and opens the door. I look behind me and see him dressed in different clothing from the meeting.

"What?" I sigh.

"Alaraxon was going to venture into the woods for a while, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us. Just so you aren't in the castle the whole time."

He had a point. It has been a while since I've left this place. And being in this room all day didn't sound like fun.


I got up and he handed me clothes.

"I'd rather you not ride side saddle," he said.

I looked at the clothes. They were the same ones I wore when I got here. But they were clean.

"I couldn't find your corset. So I think the maids got rid of it."


"I'll be outside."

He closed the door and I began to get undressed out of what the maids gave me earlier.

The dress was tight around my chest which made me want to not go to the meeting. Not that there was anything there to begin with, but that it made it look like there was nothing.

I looked around the room after I put the shirt on for some sort of undershirt. It was now more sheer since it got washed. Luckily, I just found a small piece of cloth and wrapped it around my chest. When I got the pants on I looked around for my boots to find them by the door.

It was the one thing the maids didn't take, and that I wouldn't let them take. I put them on and opened the door. Roderick was leaning against it and almost fell over when I opened it.

"Stars. Sorry." he said, turning around. He looked at me weird. But not in a judging way. But in an intoxicating way.

"What?" I snap.

"Nothing." he shakes his head. "Let's go." he holds out his arm like he expects me to take it. I don't want to be rude...but then again it's Roderick.

I hook my arm around his and roll my eyes.

We walk all the way to the stables, which is the part of the castle that's closest to the forest. I could easily run away, but I already told the king I'd help them. I've put myself in the worst position ever.

When we get to the stables, I see his brother Alaraxon. He's not waiting for us, but he's talking to someone. But from where I am, and how he's smiling, he could be flirting with someone.

But when he looks over and sees us, he farewells them. He gets on the white horse as Roderick lets me go to get his horse, which is the one next to Alaraxon's.

I walk a bit more forward and look over. I see who Alaraxon was talking to. A young stable girl who was covered in dirt. She must've been cleaning a horse. But she looks like she hasn't showered in days.

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