ⅩⅤⅠⅠ. Meredith 🗡

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About a week passed and I had completely forgotten about the festival this kingdom does. Day one is all pumpkin selling with hayrides, day two involves some giant bonfire of some sort, day three I believe is when the leaves begin changing and you see several kids running around, day four is preparation for animal hibernation, five's harvesting any last crops before winter comes around, six is the only day they don't celebrate anything and day seven is a giant party in the castle.

I remember my mother telling me stories of some middle class and lots of rich folk going to the castle to have fun all night. We never got to go due to the fact we were poor. But we always stayed up late to dance to their music. We used to live so close, I remember faint memories of Roderick using stick swords to fight his sister when he was younger.

Then after that, everything went downhill.

I shove my head away from my thoughts as I head out of the castle. It's early enough to the point where I don't need Roderick by my side, but he also doesn't know I'm out here. It's cold, but that's also the beginning of autumn here.

I wanted to walk around the village, but I got distracted by my old house. It's been abandoned since I left. I take the chance to go inside, and surprisingly, I find the door much easier to open. It was always rough whenever I lived here.

For the morning of the party, it seems more peaceful, other than the sound of horses and faint talking. I recognize the voice. I used to hear it every year in the morning of the party. It was the prince of Fleokethae. I've heard so many things about that kingdom. Like how they're safe from the shadow monsters and how their crops are much better. Most people in Roweth are just intoxicated and passed out on the street.

I decide to leave the house since everything is practically ruined and easy to spot. But as I do, I run into the prince's horse.

"Sorry!" I exclaim, giving a quick bow as an apology. I give more respect to him than what I've given to Roderick.

"All is forgiven." I look up and make eye contact with him. He looks puzzled at me. "What is such a lovely lady in rich robes doing in a poor house?"

"Oh–I was just—I was just visiting the old house I lived in." He seemed much more nice than Roderick was when we first met.

"Where are you off to now?" he asked.

I didn't want to say the castle because I didn't want to go back now, but also because I was afraid this would attract Roderick out and he would realize I left without him.

"Just for a walk. Enjoy your day." I quickly walk off. I'm so embarrassed. What the fuck was that? 'Enjoy your day' my ass! Stars, you're an idiot.

I continued my walk around the village then I ventured off into the forest nearest the castle and found that lake that Alaraxon took us too at one point. I sat by it and thought of the memories of when my mother and I would come here in summer and goof around. I knew I remembered it when Alaraxon brought us. It's just been so long I couldn't remember.

I touched the water and let the cold relieve me. It felt nicer than the cold castle that was extremely hot when I first got here. But now it was freezing. I just can't wait until I get back to the island.

But part of me wishes I wouldn't. I was treated better in the castle and I slept and ate better, rather than on the island where I starve half the time. I waited about another hour before heading back to the castle.

When I got up the stairs to the bedroom, I ran into Roderick and the other prince. Roderick looked at me weird. "Were you out somewhere?" he asked.

"Yes, I went for a walk." I say, and walk past him.

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