Ⅸ. Roderick 🗡

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Meredith ended up staying the night in my room. I couldn't sleep as it was so I didn't bother getting in the bed to lie down.

She looked peaceful. But clearly something wasn't going right with the herbs she had. I gave them to Aurae to try and find the answer, but I've gotten nothing since.

My father wasn't so pleased to just have me bring Meredith here, and in my room. He would have rather put her in the dungeon but I claimed no harm over her. And that she was injured.

Then he tried to get her to the infirmary but Aurae explained the 'injury'. So they'll have to look at her in the morning when she wakes. Hopefully that isn't too late. I don't want her going down there without me present.

There was a quiet knock on my door. Clalia.

I walked over quietly and opened the door for her. Her knock was distinct from the rest of my family. My brothers usually just barge in. And my father never comes to my room.

"Rick." she said.

"Need something?" I answered. I looked to my left and saw Gawain in his place.

"Can we talk?"

I sighed, I got out of the way and let her into my room. I shut the door behind her.

"Be quiet, Meredith is resting." I say.

"I could tell." She makes her way over to my small table and sits down on a pillow in front of the chessboard.

"What's going on?" I ask, sitting on the other side of the table.

"Mother is getting worse." she doesn't look at me. But continues to stare at the chessboard. "The nurse thinks—"

"Don't." I can tell she's suffering. When mother dies then Clalia will have to find someone to rule with her. And father will retire the throne to her. It's the one thing Clalia doesn't want.

"Why can't you take the throne?" She looks up at me.

"You know father thinks I'm too reckless for that position."

"But you ventured out to an island to find someone to stop these monsters!" she whispered. "You did that all and came back with what you promised."

"But he wasn't happy with the idea. Which makes me think that's the reason he was up when I got back."

"But she wasn't hurt—"

"Yeah, not by us. But by past and she had fainted in front of him because of her anxiety." I pause. "The herbs she used on the ship didn't work so she was in pain the whole way back."

"Have you gotten an answer about the herbs?"

"No. Aurae is still figuring it out. I doubt we'll get an answer and she'll have to resort to working through the pain."

"Was she trouble when you found her?"

I let out a breath. "She was something. She ran through a whole maze, still got caught, tried to run even when tied up and when we got to the ship, the first thing she did was try to find her bag. So I lied and said it was in her room just so she could be alone. Then a shadow monster was in her room and she stayed in mine the remainder of the ride."

"But she didn't hurt you?"

"Physically. No. But she did swear at me a few times."

"Like that's a surprise." Clalia laughed. "Is she frustrating?"

"Yes, do you know how long it took me to get her name?"

"What did you bargain for this time?"

"Her bag," I shrug.

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