Ⅶ. Roderick 🗡

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Clearly me leaving is what made her want to rest. So I leave before she wraps herself up in the covers.

As I walked through the halls I kept thinking about what I said.

Such filthy words coming from a pretty face.

Had I really said that?

Stars. I was being very cocky with my words back there and so much that she blushed. I don't think she realized though, but I could tell. Her whole face lit up red.

Almost like a rose. I shove that memory in the back of my head.

Now what was on my mind was getting back to Roweth. It was less than a couple hours away and I had told my sister Clalia that we'd be coming back around midnight after.

I just hope she's up and not our father. He's strict when it comes to these ventures. Our mother isn't. But mainly because she's recovering from a shadow monster attack. A wound that's been making her sick.

Before I knew it, I was on the top deck and looking out to the sea. Roweth wouldn't be too far from here, but part of me didn't want to get off this ship. I hated that it was mine. It was supposed to be my father's but he decided it wasn't good enough. Even though the bedroom I have in here is huge.

I couldn't tell how much time had passed, but I could see Roweth in the distance. I had to wake Meredith up before we docked, but I also wanted to let her sleep. She hates me already and waking her up sounds like a nightmare waiting to happen.

"Highness." Darkstrike's voice said behind me.

She calls me Highness anywhere near kingdom grounds and I call her Darkstrike when she's on duty.

"We're approaching Roweth. Would you like to have Meredith in some sort of restraint–"

"No." I cut her off. "She's in pain and tired. I'll keep her by my side."

"Yes sir."

"Darkstrike." I say her name without turning around. "Do not do anything that will harm her. We need her."

"Yes sir."

I heard her footsteps walk away and I'm left staring at the ocean. The moon shone on it and it lit up a path to the docks. That's when I decided to start walking to Meredith.

Rosemary would dock this ship at any moment and it'll be unknown. She docks so well you have to look out just to see if we stopped or not.

I made it to the hallway and when I got to my door, I quietly walked over to the bed.

"Meredith." I softly said. She groaned.

Clearly she liked the hour of sleep she got. Will she admit that to me? No. I shook her arm a bit.

"Meredith. We're in Roweth."

She rubbed her eyes and groaned. "No we aren't. You're lying."

"I don't think I am?"

She groaned again and covered herself with the covers.

"Meredith." I said more sternly. "It's either we get to the castle and my sister finds us or my father. One is better than the other."

That's what made her throw the covers off. 

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