ⅩⅠ. Meredith 🗡

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Later that night I was given my own room. It was just as big as Rodericks, but not with red accents. It had more golden accents to it. There was still a window, which gave me many ideas. The view faces the ocean and I see the island from a far distance.

I sat on the bed and just stared out, until there was a knock on the door. Almost like the maids knock, but not soft.

I didn't want to yell 'come in' like what Roderick does, especially since I know no one here. So I quietly walked over and opened the door. When I saw Roderick with food I groaned and closed the door on him.

"Rude! I just wanted to give you your dinner!" he shouted from the other side.

"I don't want your food!"

"It's not poisoned!" he paused. "I'd be dead now if it was!"

It was like he read my mind. Because I was just about to make that remark.

"I still don't want it!" I shouted back.

I could hear him sigh and hear a plate be set down. "I'll leave it out here for you. Whenever you feel the need to eat!" he shouted one last time before leaving.

I waited. I waited until his footsteps were no longer in hearing range. Then I quickly opened the door and grabbed the food.

Part of me wanted to eat it. But the other part was disgusted by it. It's hard to look at this food when half your life you spend eating fruits off trees and any wildlife left on that island. Which wasn't much.

I spent most of my life starving myself so I could let the younger people with us eat. But they died quickly.

Then I got sick and my group did everything to keep me around. Then I was attacked by a shadow monster. And to keep me alive, they wrecked my leg.

I forgive them for part of it, but the other part wishes they'd kept me for dead. I set the food down on a table and stare at it a bit. I only picked up a few vegetables and fruits. But the meat made me nauseous. They gave me wine as well. But I've never drank before. So I didn't even know if I wanted it.

There was a softer knock on my door, but they didn't wait for me to answer and came in. Aurae. He came in, set down a bag of herbs and a glass of water.

"This supply should last you about a month," he said, then left.

I got up and took the glass of water and herbs. This was my only motivation to stay here. They were giving me medication for my pain. But I knew it wouldn't last long. The second I'm to help them with these monsters they're going to send me off and use this for their own good.

I took the herbs and water. This night would be long. But that's what I didn't dread. What I did dread was the next morning and the meeting with the king. 

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