ⅩⅩⅠⅠ. Meredith 🗡

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I sat on his bed, by him in the infirmary. I held his hand gently as he breathed in and out within his sleep.

Using my magic on him at the last second was risky and could cause side effects in the near future. But I couldn't stand to watch him die.

"Roderick." I whispered. "I never got to tell you this before I left." I pause, thinking he'll be able to hear me. "But I...I love you." I would cry at this moment, but all of them have evaporated after the fight with my father. "I want you to wake up."

I remember faintly what happened when I used my magic. It was painful. But I did what I had to.

"You love me?" his voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look over and see his stupid smile spread across his face. The smile I love. Without thinking, I nearly leaped over the bed to embrace him.

"You're awake," I saw into his neck.

"I am." I felt his hand run through my hair. "And did I hear what I think I just heard you say?" I feel his smile grew more.

"I thought you would never wake up."

"Why would that happen?"

"Because I had to use my magic on you to get rid of my fathers and I thought you would never wake." I sat up and looked at him.

He looked concerned. "You used your magic?"

"My fathers magic was eating you from the inside. I had to do something."

"Is Clalia alright?"

"Yes, luckily she had no open wounds so I didn't have to use my magic." He smiled and tucked some of my hair behind my ear. I leaned down and kissed him, feeling his fingers get tangled up in my hair.

"Awake for two minutes and you're already kissing your lover." Alaraxon's voice separates us.

"Well at least someone was here when I woke up," he joked. His brother came over and stood by him as he sat up.

"How's mother?" he asked.

Right. He's only been up for two minutes.

"You've been uh—asleep for a week." Alaraxon says. Roderick's eyes widened. "And mother..she uh–" he hesitates. I already know what he'll say because I heard it when I came back. "She died the hour we came back." he softly said. "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry. You didn't cause it. And there was no way of saving her. You did what you had to."

"She's gone though." Alaraxon begins to cry. "Clalia has to take the throne now and she still thinks she isn't ready."

"Clalia will do amazing. She'll help our kingdom and finish what mother wanted."

Within a minute, the rest of Rodericks group comes in through the door and I take it as my cue to leave. But as I get to the hall, I see my own group. Waiting for me.

"What now?" Rhaliva asks.

"Now we're free." I say. "I killed my father, the shadow monsters won't appear anymore."

"What about your fathers powers?" Victor asked.

"It's trapped on the island. Meaning we can't go back."

"There's nothing here where we can live."

"My old house." I say. "It needs fixing and adjustments. But it should be stable enough for you all to live there."

"And your fathers cottage?" Asella asks.

I hesitate. "I'll take anything I need from it that could withhold information, then I'll destroy that damn house."

"Meredith?" Philip says, catching my attention off my fathers cottage. "Will you stay with us?"

I shake my head. "I think I'm needed here in the castle. But my old home isn't far from here. And I can work something out with the guards out front to let you guys in whenever you need."

Philip gives a nod.

"I'm never leaving you guys behind even if we've ended our main mission."

"You mean there's more to be done?" Asella asks.

"There always will be. But it doesn't mean they'll happen right away." I smile.

The day continues just like that.

I stayed in my quarters the whole day. Fidgeting with my hands. I know Roderick is okay, but it doesn't stop my mind from thinking that his day will make him feel better. There's a knock on my door but before I can answer Roderick waltzes in. He has a big grin on his face and when he comes over to me, he cups my face and kisses me.

Then he sits next to me. "I want to bring you somewhere. Before sunset ends."

"You need to rest. You just woke up and the nurse wouldn't be happy if you left."

He scoffs. "Who said anything about telling her?" He grabs my hand. "Come on!"

I laugh and get up as he drags me out of the door.

We head down to the stables and get on his horse and I have to hold on to him this time as he's speeding through the forest.

We make it back to the lake we went to forever ago. He drags me into the water, knowing he'll have to hold on to me as I can't swim. He kisses me again and we stay like that, kissing, for what seems like forever.

"Was this your plan?" I chuckle.

"Sort of." he laughs. He lets go a bit and I fall into the water a bit, but he catches me when we're eye level. "Meredith." he says, looking into my eyes.

"Yes?" The sunset is fiery. Just like our love for one another. I can remember when we first met. The tension and hatred. But it all soon died down as we got closer and spent more time together. Then how we practically melted together soon after.

"Will you be mine?" he asked.

"Yours?" I ask.

"Meredith I love you with everything I own. I love how you speak, how you sound, how you look and act. How brave you are. How you never ran even when you had many chances to. How you stick to your promises and how you care for your team. How you cared for me even though we had a rough start. And I never want to let you go." he breathes. "Will you be mine?"

I smile at him. "Yes Roderick. I will be yours if you will be mine."

He smiled back. "I thought you'd never ask." he kissed me right as sunset began to fade.

For once, ever since my mother died, I felt like someone cared for me. And nothing else mattered in this moment we shared.

The End


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