Chapter 1: Galra?

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      Narrators Pov:  

         It was nighttime and Luna went on the roof like always. She went there every night to get away from her parents who abused her because of their problems. She was lonely no one lived her. Sometimes she wishes she wasn't on earth but in outerspaces. Seeing the stars and going to different plants made her relax. The next thing she knew the ground started to shake. Luna didn't know what was happening until she saw a big space ship. But it wasn't from the garrison. It was black with purple light. "What the hell is happening?!" Lunas father yelled from the kitchen still a little drunk. Luna ran inside an hid in the closet down stairs. She locked the door and peeked threw the key hole. Before she knew it   blood splattered every where the screams of her parents could be heard as they both where killed. After a moment of silence Luna go's out of the closet. She can see her parents dead bodies on the floor, blood coming from their bodies make a puddle. Luna looked at it, "gross" she mumbled. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw a purple human with ears and a tail. Without thinking she grabbed a knife and stabbed it right in the head. It fell dead on the ground the blood coming prison slowly. Before she could react she was knocked out cold.

~Time skip~

      Luna woke up in chains and on the cold floor of a cell. She stands up and walks to the door to see if there was anyone there. No one was spotted so she thought she should try to break out. Lunhta ran herself in the door 2 times before giving up. She sat down in a corner and cried not knowing what would happen to her. After at least one hour of crying did she hear footsteps coming towards her cell. Luna crawled into the darkest corner. Just then the door opened showing a old women in a cloke. "Come her little one for our king would like to see you," she said in a dry voice. Without wanting to cause trouble Luna got up and obeyed her. They walked down hallway after hallway. Luna would stare at the cells seeing the creatures inside. Soon they where in a big room with a throne. In that throne was who Luna was guessing the king. "Lord Zarkon I have brought the prisoner," said the old women who bowed before him. Seeing this Luna also bowed before him shocking both of them. Zarkon then had a girn  on his face and told Luna to come to him. She did as he said and walked up to him. "Well what is this a prisoner that actually obeys me and bows before me without having to force them? Well isn't that interesting Hagared," Zarkon said to the women know as Hagared. "Why yes my lord, this could be good for us." She answered to him. Luna still didn't know what to do. "Take her to the arena... let's see what she can do." With that I followed Hagared to the place known as the arena and I saw lots of other prisoners there. They all looked scared, Luna didn't understand why so she sat down where Hagared said. "I'll tell you when it's your turn," with that Hagared left her with the others and she waited passionley for her turn not prepared for what was going to happen

~Another time skip cause I can~

Lunas POV:

I waited for what felt like forever still unknown to what an arena was. I then saw Hagared walk to me and she gave me a nod motioning it was my turn and to follow her. She took me to a room  full of weapons and told me to pick one. I chose a scythe because it was kind of like spinning a flag but it had a sharp blade instead of a flag. 'Thanks for the flag lessons I guess mom'  I thought to myself even though I only did it for a year and a half because I started at age 5.


        "Are you sure you want that one? It's about 2 times your size," questioned Hagared. I nodded and smiled at her then walked through the door to the arena. It was very bright and there where crowds of people watching some cheering and some booing. I see Zarkon and wave, surprisingly he waved back making he stole at him. "Let the match begin!" He yelled over the crowd. I turn to the sound of a gate opening and see a man who was really tall and holding a sword in his hands. I looked at him for what felt like a second before he tried to attack me with his sword. I dodged but got a cut on my arm. It didn't hurt because I was used to the pain thanks to my parents. I swinged the scythe at his legs but he jumped in time and swung at me again cutting some of my leg. I fell to the ground and he tried to stab me with his sword . Before he could I took my weapon and swung at his legs again with my eyes closed waiting to be dead just like my parents. But nothing happened I opened my eyes and see I have cut both of his legs off. "We have a winner!" The crowd cheered as a guard came and took me to Zarkon. I bowed to him again and heard him laugh. "You did good out there I wonder what else you could do," he said as he walked towards me and told me to stand up. I did as he said and he said, "I will train you and you will work for me, do you understand?" He questioned I looked at him my eyes staring into his, "Yes sir."

End of chapter 1.
Word count: 1002.

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