Chapter 5: Training or failing part 2

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WARNING ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ : sexual parts are in this chapter you may skip if you would like repeat sexual parts are in this chapter read at your own risk!!!⚠️⚠️⚠️


Shiros POV:

When she left I felt my cock getting hard. 'Great what am I gonna do I can't let the others see.' I then remembered the room would have no one in it. I went into the room an sat in the chair Coran told me what to do and then he left me alone. Pidge was still getting ready so I decided to help myself real quick. I pulled my bulge out of my pants and started to rub it "mmh~" I didn't groan to loud just to be safe. I moved quicker making me climax into my hand. I took a tissue from my pocket and wiped my cum off my hand. By the time I had cleaned myself Pidge was ready.

~time skip~

Lunas POV:

After walking around for a while I went back to the training room and saw them fighting a robot. Man did they suck, they were getting thrown around like dolls. It was hilarious watching them try to take it down. They are all on the floor groaning in pain. I look away for 2 minutes then I hear, "Look out!!!" I turned around and saw this bitch charging at me. "Oh great," I muttered getting ready to fight. It swings its staff at me but I dodge it with no problem. I then round house kicked it making it go flying back a few feet. I then run at it, it tries to hit me with its staff again so I slide in between its legs. I get up quick and jump on it wrapping my legs around the fighters head. In on quick motion I snapped its neck. I jump down and it disappeared into thin air. "Damn I missed that feeling!" I yelled out, proud of myself. I turn around and see the shock faces on everyone. "What is there something on me?" I asked with a straight face. "That was set for an Altea child. How come the five of you couldn't take it down together but somehow she could?" princess Allura questions with venom in her words. "I have a name you know," I said a little annoyed with her. "Well how come you didn't tell us?" Pidge questioned looking tired and done with today. I smirked and replied, "You didn't ask for it." "Why yo-," before Keith could finish Shiro cut him off. "Ok, calm down Keith. Can you please tell us your name?" I looked at him. "..." "well?" Hunk asked dying from anticipation. "I'm not telling. It's classified~." I said making Keith boil with anger. 'This is so fun' I thought to myself as he stood up and marched over to me, barley any inches between us. "Listen, you need to follow our commands," he said, "Keith that's no way to treat a pretty girl like that," Lance said trying flirt with me while trying to calm down emo boy. "It's fine I don't mind people with that kind of kink as long as it'll make is dick hard... mommy likey~" I said and put my hand on his clothed dick and rubbed. "Ah~." He moaned but quickly hit my hand off and covered his mouth. Thankfully for him no one heard the moan except me. "Wow~ that was hot," Lance said with his checks red but he also looked jealous along with Shiro. "Well I'm a go back to my cell. Bye~." I walked out of the room with a big proud smirk on my face. 'Alright just one more to go' I thought about when to tease Lance and I decided to do it tonight while he is in bed. I got to my cell and took a small nap.

Keith's POV:

I walked out of the training deck 10 minutes after her. My pants were real tight. 'What the fuck is wrong with me' I thought while walking to my room. When I got there I locked the door and went into my bathroom locking it as well. I then pulled down my shorts and boxers revealing my hardened dick. I grabbed it and stated to jerk off. "Ah~... w-what is she d-doing to me." After a couple of minutes I finally cummed in my hand. "Shit this is bad." I muttered and cleaned my hands.

~time skip again~

Lunas POV:

I awake from my sleep feeling hungry. " I walked down the hallways and saw the mice playing. "Aww~ you guys are so cute~" I said making me stare in awe. I went to pet one but they backed away. "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you. I know I worked for Zarkon for years but I I'm not going to hurt you guys, okay?" The big yellow one walked towards me slowly the others following it. They them crawled on me and went to my head. I chuckled at the feeling and smiled. I then continued to walk to the kitchen. I open the door and 'splat!' Green food goo hit me directly in the face. I look and see the paladins, Allura, and Coram covered in the green goo. "I'm not gonna ask." I turned on my heel and muttered "dumbasses," not to loud but loud enough for them to hear. I w all back to my room the mice still on my head. They also got food goo on them. "Wanna take a bath with me?" I asked them. They shake their heads saying yes. "Okay let's get in," I stripped my clothes of and start the bath. "Bubbles or no?" I questioned but the next thing I knew they ripped the bubble bottle out of my hand and pored it in. Soon it was ready and I smirked. "Time to get in!" With that being said we get in.

End of Chapter 5
Word count 1005

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