Chapter 3: What to do?

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Shiros POV:

'What just happened? Why is she acting like this?' I had a lot of questions and I am sure the others do to. "*sigh* Shiro," "Yes Allura?" "Can you go after her please?" I turn and nod my head at her. I then started to head towards the girl.

Lunas POV:

"Ugh why did they have to take me. I was doing perfectly fine but now I wanna jump out of this ship." I mumbled but then I hear footsteps. I stop and turn around to see Shiro jogging towards me. I look him up and down before turning on my heal and walking again. "Hey, Stop! I just wanna talk," "*sigh* what is it?" I asked as I turned around to face him. "Please just help us. We need as much information as we can help. Plus you should be on our side you are from Earth right." The mention of Earth made me cringe remembering my past. "Hmm~ What is it you would like to know~?" I asked in a seducing tone. The next thing I know I am pinned to the Shiro, a hand holding both of my hands up. And there is also a leg in between my legs. "Oh, hi emo mullet. How is it going?" "Don't play dumb I saw what you were trying to do to Shiro," he said with a pissed off face making me smirk even bigger. "Keith calm down I can handle this." Shiro said trying to stop Keith. "Aww~ are you jealous that Shiro is getting all the attention, pretty boy~ ?" I say letting words come out smoothly. "What makes you think that?! Your the last person I would ever want to give attention!" He yelled really fucking loud I thought my ears were going to bleed. I didn't care and then replied, "Why don't you look at the position were all in right now, M'k pretty boy?" Both boys turned red but tried to hid it but they sucked at it. "What's going on?" We all turned our heads to see Hunk standing there with a confused and shocked face. I then smiled and pushed the boys off me. "Oh nothing I was just leaving."
"Hey, where are you going?!" Keith yelled still a little embarrassed about the situation they were just in. "To shower to get all this dirt off me. Why? You wanna join?" I asked him looking him up and down. With that he huffed and walked away. "Hunk can you take her back to her cell. I'm gonna go calm Keith down." "Ok." Then we all went our separate ways. The walk was silent the whole time. Finally we arrived. "Hey, Hunk was it?" I asked fogetting his name. "Yep that's me, paladin of the yellow lion." He answered with a smile on his face. "Thanks for bringing to my room, your too kind." I said acting innocent. "Oh your welcome it was no big deal." I then asked him, " Can you tell the princess I am sorry for lashing out of the blue? I was just so scared cause the last time I was thrown into a ship it was a Galra ship. Please?" 'Man this better fucking work or I am wasting my acting for no god damn reason,' He looked at me and gave me a closed eyes smile. "Sure!" "Thank you so much," I said and then waved goodbye as I closed my door. 'Wow that was easier then I expected' I then walked to my bathroom that was installed by the cell. "Hmm, Shower or bath?" I questioned myself. I decided to take a bubble bath. I turn on the water and make it so the water doesn't drain. I then add  a lot of bubble bath because I don't have to pay for it. I took of m clothes and hoped in letting myself relax. I then started to drift off to sleep and I do so.

~time skip~

I wake up grasping for air. 'I must of went underwater when I was asleep.' I thought as I got a d walked to the sink.  I started to cough. It thought I was going to cough out water but it was blood. It kept on coming after 10 minutes it stopped and had a sink filled with the red substance. I didn't really care because no one was gonna care so why should I. I got dressed into a sports bra and short shorts making my ass stick out some. Then laid down in bed and went back to sleep.

End of Chapter 3
Word count 771

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