Chapter 8: The one and ugly Sendak

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"I didn't do anything actually," I said trying to defend. "Coran what happened?" Shiro asked the ginger on the floor. He stands up and says, "I don't know all I remember Lance saving me from the explosion." The king of the aliens then run in stating that their village is in danger. The next thing I knew I am with Shiro and the unconscious Lance while the others go to the village but Pidge is no where to be found. 'Man why the fuck do I have to be here and why did they blame me... fucking assholes.' Shiro stops and I run into him. I was about to say sorry then I heard foot steps. I then see Sendak and his ugly face making me want to throw up. Shiro puts Lance down on the wall and tells me to stay with him. I get to watch the fight seen and damn Shiro got crushed. I clapped, "Wow that was so good Mr plum furry!" I said and walked towards him. "Don't call me that, and why didn't you escape? You could have easily token them out and brought the lions to Zarkon." He said with a pissed off face making me smirk. "Because I had fun messing with them and found out things about them." "Whatever let's get this ship going." "Alright."

~Time skip~

It's been a while and Zarkon has sent people to kill Pidge. "Really your gonna kill a child?" I questioned playing with a dagger I found. "Their a threat to us so they must be killed." Sendak states with his regular bitch resting face. "Well I thought you would keep em alive being a perv you are." I muttered. He shot hid back quick  and glared. "What did you say?!" "Nothing... stupid say what?" "What?" "Hahahaha!" I started to burst out laughing tears in my eyes. "Sendak I will not let you take the lions." Pidge says in the camera. "Dang it." Sendak then thought of something I could tell because of his face. "Luna, grab the champion and bring him to me!" "Okay shit, no need to fucking yell dumb bitch I'm right fucking here." I replied and threw my dagger at the wall killing a fly. I stand up and walk to him. 'Great he's knocked out cold' I thought annoyed that I would have to drag him. I then thought of an idea. Without hesitation I slapped across the face as hard as I could leaving a dark red mark in his face. He jolts awake and looks at me pretty pissed well I just smiled. "Come with me or I'll slap the shit out of you," I said and forced him to stand up. We walked to Sendak and then Shiro asked, "why are you doing this you could fight them. You are a human from Earth to so why?" I looked at him and responded, "none of your damn business." "Please we can help yo-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" I yelled and threw him at Sendak. I then stormed out of the room. I walked to my cell and slammed the door causing it to crack. I then started to crumble and slide down the door crying. I haven't cried in 14 years. I cried and cried until I fell asleep on the floor.

~in dream land~

Voice: Hello little girl~
Luna: who tf are you calling a little girl?
Voice 2: Veronica knock it off your scaring her.
Veronica: oh shut up and stop ruining my fun
The two then started to bicker back and forth
Luna: ok why am I hear and what are your names?
Voice 2: oh I'm sorry my humble apologies. My name is Melody your angle
Veronica: my name is Veronica your one and only sexy demon.
Melody: stop flattering your self.
Luna: Cool, so what is it you need?
Veronica: we are going to teach you how to use our powers and tell you of your past.
Luna: what do you mean I am a human I live on earth and had abusive parents so boom.
Veronica and Melody look at each others and sigh.
Melody: your not human and not from Earth Luna...
Luna looked at them in shock.
Luna: wait so I'm not human... Ew am I galra or Altea?
They shock there heads no.
Luna: thank the mother fucking gods.
Veronica: hehehe I like this girl she's hella funny.
Melody: watch your mouth.
Luna and Veronica: whatever 🙄
Melody: any ways now let me show you your past.
The dark room then was turned white.


'The kings and queens baby is now 4 years old' the crowd cheered 'time to celebrate!' A pretty woman walks out her blonde hair dragging on the floor. Her blue eyes glowing in the moon light. Her skin as pale as snow. She had big beautiful wings that were as if they were from a oversized dove. Everyone bowed to her. A child was holding her hand. She had pale skin like her moms. Her hair was a very black. Her eyes were red with no shine. Her smile light up the whole room making everyone feel warm and made people happy. The king was no where to be found. While the party was going on there was an explosion kill some of the people at the party everyone started to run out. The queen picked up her child and started to run and lead everyone to safety. She used her big wings to blow the enemies away. A lot of the people died all that were left was the queen, her child, and 6 others. She put here child in a pod and used a spell to put her to sleep. 'I want you to watch her and teach her at the right time. I will hold them off. Please keep her safe don't show until it's the right time.' With that she used some magic and pit them in her mind. 'Goodbye my love,' she kissed her fore head and sent the pod to Earth. The guards broke in a couple minutes later and killed her.

~end of past~

Luna: wow straight up confused. Who the fuck is that child?

They both nodded at each other and soon 4 more people came out.

Luna: you have got to be fucking kidding me.

End of chapter 7
Word count 1060

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