Chapter 14: Pidge knows...

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Lunas POV:

I wake up to an empty space next to me. "Where did Lance go?" I questioned out loud as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "H-helllo." Said a quiet shakey voice. I turn to see Tamaki standing and waving his hand slightly. "Is there something I can do for ya?" I asked as I stood up and stretched. "It's time to train. Go make sure no one is in the training deck please..." He said as he disappeared. "Wait! I thought-" With a heavy sigh I walked out and into the training deck. I see the paladins along with Allura and Coran. Princess Allura sees me and glares and walks towards me. "What are you doing here?" Allura asked. "I came here to train duh." I answered and rolled my eyes at her stupidity. "Leave and go back to your cell! I order you!" She yells and I'm starting to get pissed off. "Well where are we going next?" I asked trying to calm down. "Thats none of your concern. Now go!" She said and pointed at the door. "But since I'm going to help you... shouldn't I train as well?" Shiro then says, "she's right and I think we could use a break Princess. Common guys." The paladins and the Alteans walk out of the room. "Finally," I say as I sit down. "Ok it's time to start." Says Tamaki.

~In the control room~

Pidges POV:

We all walk into the control room and sit. Allura marched towards Shiro and yelled at him. "Why did you do that?" "Remember? We have to be kind and try to get her to tell us information about the galra. She's not gonna tell us if you are mean to her princess. You need to calm down." Shiro said. "Yeah sweetheart, take a chill pill." Lance butted into the conversation. "I can't believe you guys are fine with this..." I muttered under my breath hopefully no one heard me. But I was wrong. "Pidge what do you mean by that?! Are you joining her side or something?! What is wrong with you!? Did you forget she us working for Zarko?!" Keith shouted getting everyone's attention. "Pidge?" Shiro asked with a concern look. I turn an start to walk away. "Pidge come back!" Hunk yelled. "Pidge!" Keith growls really angry and staring me down. I just ignore them all and walk to where Luna was. I soon arrived and walked in. "Luna I want to talk to you-" I stop in my tracks and see her with some man and there making water orbs!? They both look at me wide eyes. "Oooh~ shit..." Luna says as the man turns pale and passes out on the floor.
"What's going on?!"
~Earlier that day~

Lunas POV:

Tamaki appeared infront of me smiling. "Good job now we can start training..." I nod in agreement and smile. "Ok let's start!" Tamaki then got out a bucket of water and made it flout into an orb. I stare I awe as I stare at the water, zoned by how it sparkles in the light. "Wow... that's pretty but how in the fiddle frack am I gonna do that?" He glances at me and the water goes back into the bucket. "Well first you gotta practice making water with what you have no matter where you are..." He says quietly but loud enough for me to here. "How tho?" He starts to explain how to make water out of air. He says it won't be to hard because there was dehydrated water in the air. "Go on and try now..." Tamaki says and points at me slightly. "Ok I guess but I probably can't," I then focus on creating the water.

~1 hour later~
"This is fucking pointless I can't Flippin Dippin do it!" I yell in defeat as I fall on my back dramatically. "I-it's ok not everyone can master it first try..." Tamaki says trying to make me feel better. I look up at him then sigh before standing back up. "Ok I'll try again..." I go back to focusing on creating the water. I let my mind clear mind clear it's thoughts. After a couple of minutes I open my eyes and I become shocked. "I did it?" I look at Tamaki and he nodded. I jump up into the air happily that finally did it due to the losing patience. "Now what?" I asked playing with the water orb I managed to make. Tamaki makes a water orb of his own. As he was about to explain someone walked in "Luna I want to talk to you-" Me and Tamaki stop in my tracks and look at her sweating slightly. She look at us with wide eyes. "Oooh~ shit..." I says as Tamaki turns pale and passes out on the floor. "Whats going on?!" Pidge yells wanting answers immediately. "Ok calm down I'll explain everything, just promise not to tell anyone else got it?" I look at her waiting for an answer. "Ok I promise Luna," Pidge sits down on the ground and I sit in front of her. "Ok so..."

~After Luna explains her past and that she isn't human to Pidge~

"And now I'm here with you guys on this ship while the people in my head teach me the ways to master my skills." I finish my sentence and Pidge looks at me. "That's so..." I look at her, "let me guess cringe and stupid and every single way." Pidge shakes her head, "No are you crazy that's so cool Luna!" Her eyes sparkle with starts in them. "Really?" I asked as I looked at her confused. She nods and I smile softly. "That's good to hear now then this is our little secret the only others who know are the mice and my pet dragon no one else may know." "Ok!" Pidge says smiling widely. I stand up and offer her my hand which see accepts. "Anyway what was it you wanted to talk about?" I asked curious about what she wanted when she first came in. "Oh nothing it's nothing I gotta go now before Allura gets mad and makes me train more." Pidge then heads toward the exit. "Bye Pidge!" I wave goodbye to her as she leaves me alone. "Is she gone?" Says a still somewhat pale Tamaki. "Yeah don't worry you scaredy cat," I say teasingly towards him. "L-lets get back to training..." Tamaki says ignoring my comment about him, "Alright!"

~in the halls of the castle~

Pidges POV:

I wished I had told Luna but she has so much going on right now I don't want her to feel more stressed. I sigh walking through the halls thinking of what to do next but nothing comes to mind except the guilt of not telling Luna the truth of why she's still here. I go to my room and decide to sleep on it not wanting to think about it anymore.

End of Chapter
Word count 1175

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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