Chapter Four

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Deslani Carter

Deslani looked at her outfit before smiling, she had no idea where Jackson was taking her but she was excited. She rubbed her lip gloss in and sprayed perfume over herself before hearing a knock on her door. She grabbed her phone and keys before opening the door, she smiled as she looked at Jackson. He wore all black with black sun glasses that hung over his nose, Damn he looked good.

"You look beautiful." He smiled.

Deslani blushed.

"You don't look too bad yourself."  She smiled.

"Why thank you, let's go. I made reservations at one of the hottest spots around." He said.

"Oh really and where is that?" She asked as she closed the door.

"Hot pot." He chuckled.

"I never had it." She said.

"You'll love it, I promise." He smiled.

Deslani smiled as she followed him to his car, he opened the door for her and everything. He was such a gentlemen, once they reached the restaurant it was packed. They got seated and Jackson decided to spark up conversation as they waited to order.

"So tell me about Deslani, Des for short." He smiled.

"Hmmm, what do you want to know?" She asked.

"Anything." He said.

"My favorite color is black and green, I'm eighteen. My birthday is April 3rd, hm what else?" She asked as she began thinking.

Jackson chuckled.

"Well while you think, My favorite color is also black and baby blue. My birthday is March 28th, I am 18 as well. I like money hint why I am majoring in accounting." He chuckled.

"Accounting is a cool major." Deslani nodded.

"Yeah, it's hard though but I think I got it. Why did you choose film for a major?" He asked.

"Well I have a thing for movies, I love watching movies especially the old ones...and even the low budget ones and- What?" She asked as she noticed he was starring at her.

"You look so beautiful talking about something you're so passionate about." He smiled.

Deslani couldn't help but blush as the waiter came to their table, she let Jackson take the lead on ordering since she didn't know what to get. Once the food came he showed her how to cook it, she was honestly enjoying herself. This couldn't possibly be the same Jackson Skylar was describing.

They ate and talked for what felt like hours, Jackson insisted on paying the bill before they left. They walked to her dorm hand in hand, she loved how soft his hands were.

"I really had a great time Jackson." She smiled.

"I did as well, we should go out again weekend?" He asked.

"Hm, Let me check my schedule." She said as she looked at her nails.

Jackson gasp causing her to laugh.

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