Chapter Fifty-Six

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Lim Jae-Beom

Jae-Beom huffed as he loaded the last of the grocery bags into the trunk. He got into the passenger seat before buckling his seatbelt.

"How about some ice cream?" She asked.

Jae-Beom nodded as she pulled off, once they made it to the ice cream shop they got out and ordered. They sat at a table and Jae-Beom placed his cup down before glaring at Sol-le.

"Mom." He said.

"Yeah." Sol-le said licking her lips.

"Why did you really leave?" He asked.

"I told you because of your father-"

"Yeah I know, but I remember the night we were supposed to leave you were on the phone. Who were you on the phone with?" He asked.

"A friend." She said placing her cup down.

"Who, because you didn't have friends last I checked?" He asked.

"Jae-Beom this was years ago-"

"Don't gas light me I'm a grown man just tell me the truth." He snapped.

Sol-le tucked her lip in as she fiddled with her fingers.

"It was Tim." She mumbled.

"Is he the one who was sending you money on a nex prepaid card?" Jae-Beom asked.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Did dad actually threaten to kill me if you left with me?" He asked.

Sol-le looked at him before looking away. Jae-Beom bit his lip as Deslani squeezed his hand.

"No." She mumbled.

Jae-Beom sat back and scuffed before shaking his head.

"Why didn't you take me then?" He asked.

"Tim didn't want to raise another man's child. So I did what was best for me." She said.

"Best for you, so you left your son with your abusive husband to live the American Dream with a racist?" He asked.

"Tim is not racist-"

"Yes the fuck he is but that's besides the point. The day after we decided to stay home you made me oatmeal...but after I said I love you, you took the oatmeal and threw it out. You said it was cold, it was piping hot what did you do to the oatmeal?" He asked.

Sol-le had tears in her eyes as she shook her head.

"It was cold." She said.

"Sol-le, please don't bullshit me. WHAT WAS IN THE OATMEAL?!" He yelled slamming his hands down.

Sol-le jumped as she cried, Deslani rubbed her temples as she looked at her.

"Poison." She cried.

Jae-Beom chuckled and nodded.

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