Chapter Thirteen

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Lim Jae-Beom

Jae-Beom knocked on the door and patiently waited for Marissa to answer, he was fed up with her causing trouble. She was becoming a fucking problem, it's been a week since the fight and he finally had time to come give her a piece of his mind, once he opened the door he immediately walked in.

"Hey baby." She smiled as she wiped her nose.

He watched as she sat down at her vanity before pulling out his phone, she began sniffing a line before throwing her head back. Jae-Beom stopped recording quickly placing his phone in his pocket.

"Stop going around causing fucking problems." He spat.

"Oh you're talking about that big bitch? Oh she got something coming for her trust." She sniffed.

"You and I aren't an item and we never were why are you being delusional?" He asked.

"You're just in denial Jae-Beom I see the scars and I know you don't think you deserve to be love but I love you."She said reaching for his face.

Jae-Beom smacked her hands from his face.

"Listen to me and listen to me clear, if you keep coming around causing trouble I'm going to go to the police and report you for drug abuse." He threatened.

"Yeah you can try but do you not remember who my father is?" She asked with a smirk.

"I know exactly who your father is but you must've forgot who my father is. He's just as powerful as yours but the difference between my dad and yours is my dad is richer and the more money you have the more power. Stay. The. Fuck. Away. From me." He said.

Marissa looked at him with fear in her eyes as she began to cry. He walked out slamming the door, he huffed as he adjusted his book bag.

She was crazy as fuck and if he could go back in time he wouldn't ever stick his dick in her to began with.

A smell of Vanilla and Coconuts hit his nose as he stopped and began looking around. He spotted Deslani and Jae walking out of class, he watched as she smiled and nodded her head to whatever Jae was saying.

He looked at her lips intensely noticing they healed and smiled. He felt a weird feeling in his stomach and scrunched his face up. He shook the feeling off before walking towards Deslani.

He placed his index finger on his lip signaling Jae to be quiet before tapping her on her right shoulder then quickly stepping to the left.

"Boo." He said.

Deslani laughed and gave him a light shove.

"Asshole." She giggled.

"I see your lips healed." He said.

Deslani puckered her lips up before smiling.

"Mhm." She smiled.

"Hey you're going to Marks party?" He asked.

"Mhm, I have to find an outfit though since he wants everyone in fucking costumes." Deslani said.

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