Chapter Forty-Nine

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Lim Jae-Beom

Jae-Beom sniffed as he wiped his eyes. He sat up and looked around before he sighed. She really was gone...he rubbed his hands through his hair and sighed. It's been a week since he's last seen her but that's his fault he's been soaking in his own sadness since she left.

"Get your shit together Jae-Beom." He mumbled.

He got up and took a shower before getting dressed, he couldn't miss anymore school at this point. He grabbed his keys before heading to the parking garage, once he made it too campus he seen a whole bunch of paparazzi crowding the entrance.

He stepped out of his jeep before grabbing his book bag, he pushed past the crowd to see Marissa and her father walking out.



Jae-Beom shook his head as he watched them follow her, he couldn't help but to chuckle. Karma is a bitch. He continued making his way to class before a whiff of Vanilla and Coconut hit his nose, he stopped and looked around.

"We should get burgers." Skylar said.

"Bitch we had that last night, how about chinese?" Deslani asked.

Jae-Beom smiled as he looked at her, he walked toward her but stopped. She needed space from him and he didn't even know where to began to get his shit together. He turned on his heels and continued making his way to class.

"Professor Smith." Jae-Beom said.

"Oh Jae-Beom where have been these past three weeks?" She asked.

"Sick, Is there anyway I can make up my work and any quizzes I missed?" He asked.

"Yeah, but you don't need to make up any work, Skylar picked up all your work and even turned it in." She said confused.

Jae-Beom kept his poker face before nodding, he quickly made his way to his seat as students poured into class. He felt even more shitty knowing that Skylar did double Of school work for him when he disrespected her the way he did. He rubbed his hands down his face as he focused on class.

He stole glances at Skylar who completely acted as if he wasn't there, once class was over he made his way to the counselors office. He sat down and waited for his name to be called as he scrolled through his phone, he rolled his eyes seeing his mother call before declining her call. He decided to call his dad as he sat up.

"Jae-Beom, I'm glad you called." Jun said.

Jae-Beom rolled his eyes, he could deal with one shitty parent but two?

"Hey Dad." Jae-Beom mumbled.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked.

"Uh Yeah, I was thinking of maybe going to therapy." He said.

Jae-Beom scratched his head as the line grew silent.

"Um, you want me to find you one?" He asked.

"Uh no, I just wanted to let you know. I have some issues...and I want to get professional help on them. I've been taking my anger out on Deslani and she doesn't deserve that." Jae-Beom explained.

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