Emotions (Jabitha)

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Jughead Jones' POV

I was walking into Pops's for the first time in seven years. It was weird to be back in Riverdale for the first time and almost everything was the same, well except for Pop's. Pop Tate had recently passed away. It was heart breaking to hear and I knew I had to come home.

I wasn't the only one who had heard of Pops' death. Almost everyone who had left was back in town mourning the loss of the town's beloved Pop. I walked into the diner and saw Betty and Archie holding their nine month old daughter and Reggie comforting a heavily pregnant Veronica. The diner was closed for a memorial service for him, but then I saw someone I didn't recognize.

She was talking to a woman who looked like Pop, the woman was a clear image of him. I figured out that it was his daughter and the girl was his granddaughter. I didn't think anything of it so I just walked over to Betty and Archie.

Betty- "hey Jug, we didn't think you were going to show up" Jughead- "yeah, I was debating but I was always his best costumer and he was the best listener"

Betty nodded sadly as Archie rubbed her back. I patted her shoulder and went over to Veronica and Reggie. I talked to them but I could tell Veronica was having a hard time so I left.

I found a seat at the barstools and put my head on my hand. I just remembered all of the times Pop would talk to me and make sure I was well fed. I was lost in thought when Pop's granddaughter came over to me.

??- "are you Jughead Jones?" Jughead- "that would be me" Tabitha- "I'm Tabitha, can I join you" Jughead- "be my guest" she sat down next to me as I turned my stool to face her.

Tabitha- "My grandpa always said you were good to talk to" Jughead- "well he was a good listener, I'm sorry for your loss" Tabitha- "thank you, but it isn't just my family's. the whole town lost him, at least that's what it seems like. I can't believe this many people showed up" She looked around at the room then back at me

Tabitha- "do you wanna get a drink?" Jughead- "oh, uh sure I guess" She stood up and started walking towards the stairs in the back. I followed her into Veronica's old speakeasy as she grabbed a couple of beers. Tabitha- "he knew she'd be back, Veronica? So he kept it ready for her" she opened both bottles and handed one to me

Tabitha- "he always wanted this place to be open, secretly of course" Jughead- "really? I thought he was against selling alcohol" we both took a sip and after she sighed. Tabitha- "he was, until he saw what this town could do to people, apparently there were multiple serial killers?"

Jughead- (chuckles) "someone's been reading my books" Tabitha- "other then a teenager opening a speakeasy obviously, did all that other stuff actually happen?"

I chuckled. Jughead- "of course not, this is literally the safest town on the planet. Jason's
fine, I only wrote that stuff about Betty's dad because I wanted her to like me and I lost my creativity for the other two books" Tabitha- (chuckles) "yeah I noticed, do you enjoy it? Being this big writer."

I sighed before taking another sip of beer, I didn't know how to answer and had to think about it. Jughead- "it's not everything I thought it would be. I'm out of ideas and money. My publisher wants my head and so does my landlord plus My girlfriend left me.. so yeah. It's really fun"

She watched me practically chug the rest as she put hers down on the counter. Tabitha- "you know, if you were staying in town you could help me run the diner. He asked me to run it before he died and I can't disrespect him but I also can't do it by myself"

I turned to look at her as she wiped a tear from her eye. Tabitha- "I just don't want to disappoint him" Jughead- "Tabitha, you're going to keep his memory alive by keeping it open. That would make him so proud, I know I don't know you very well but I knew him and it's exactly what he would want." Tabitha- "so? You'll stay and help?"

I looked at her then at my watch that had fourteen unread texts from Sam. Jughead- "I guess so. I just need a place to stay" Tabitha- "what about Dilton Doiley's secret bunker? You know, like all teens have"  I chuckled as she laughed and almost fell off the bar stool. Jughead- "I tried okay. But seriously I need somewhere to stay" Tabitha- "don't worry about it, I've got an extra room in my apartment" Jughead- "are you sure? I mean it's a little soon to be asking me to move in with you. Only after one drink?"

Tabitha- "ha ha. Do you want the room or not?" Jughead- "y-yeah, I'll take it" she laughed again before we headed back upstairs. everyone had left except for us so she just started training me. Tabitha- "I'm guessing you already know your way around this place, hell you've probably been in it more then I have. also the kitchen has- "

Jughead- "Tab, stop. We can do this later, today doesn't have to be harder then it is" she stopped and looked at me before clearing her throat. Tabitha- "I-Isn't it better to get it over with" Jughead- "I know this move, keep your mind busy and don't show emotion to others" Tabitha (awkwardly chuckles) "I-I don't know what you're talking about"

I sighed before walking over to her and took one of her hands. Jughead- "it took me a long time to figure out that emotion isn't something to be ashamed of, we're human" Tabitha- "I'm not ashamed of it, I just don't like dealing with it. I've never been tge type of person to admit my feelings to someone"

She took her hand back and started walking towards the door. Tabitha- "you coming?" Jughead- "not until we sit down and talk about what's going on in that pretty head of yours" Tabitha- "what a graceful pickup line, but seriously can we do this at the apartment?" Jughead- "only if you promise it will happen" Tabitha- "I pinky swear, now let's go please"

We headed to her apartment as I noticed that everything had it's place. It was sparkling and I knew she hadn't been living here long. Jughead- "so did you just have this place or.. what?" Tabitha- "oh, my parents bought it for me. They knew I would be staying in town no matter how hard they tried to convince me to stay in Chicago"

She put her bag down and went over to the kitchen as I sat down in the recliner in the corner. Jughead- "can we talk now?" Tabitha- (sighs) "there's nothing to talk about. He's gone and we can't u-um bring him back" she started getting choked up so I went over and hugged her. Jughead- "it's okay"

We had an amazing conversation and shared our favourite memories of Pop. She ended up falling asleep with her head on my shoulder. Over the next couple months, we started getting closer and even started dating. All we needed was each other and our relationship.

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