The Nanny (Chetty)

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Jughead's POV

Jughead- (yells) "what are we gonna do?!" Betty- (yells) "I have no idea Jug, this isn't my fault!" Jughead- "well it's not mine" Betty- "let's just figure out what we're gonna do" Jughead- "aren't you gonna get rid of it" Betty- "it's an option but I don't think that's what we're gonna do, is it?" Jughead- "we're in high school Betty, we can't take care of a fucking baby. Not to mention your mother is gonna kill us" Betty- "I guess but don't you want to have a family together?" Jughead- "not at sixteen"

I sat down on the couch with my head in my hands as she stood there with her arms crossed across her stomach. Betty- (in tears) "I can't Jug, I'm sorry" she just ran out of the living room and up to her bedroom. I heard her door slam and all I could do was take my beanie off and throw it as far as I could. I couldn't be a good dad and sixteen and I wanted to go to college but obviously Betty had different plans

Betty's POV

I pulled my knees up to my chest and sobbed as I heard Jughead downstairs. I didn't want to lose him but I couldn't get rid of my baby either. I was stuck and I didn't know what to do

Polly- "Hey baby Be, you okay?" Betty- (sniffles) "he's not happy about it, he wants me to get rid of my baby" Polly- "oh sweetie" she came over and hugged me. She held me as I cried mainly because we both didn't know what else to do. We stayed there for ten minutes before I sniffled and went back downstairs to see Jughead

Betty- (softly) "Jug, we have to talk about this" Jughead- "what is there to talk about, you want the baby and I don't" Betty- (softly) "there must be something I can say" Jughead- "I don't think so, I can't let your baby drag me down"

He walked out of the house, leaving me alone in the living room. I heard Polly running down the stairs but all I could do was fall onto the couch and cry. I felt Polly rubbing my back as I cried harder then I ever had before. I had no idea what I was going to do

I told my parents a few days later and they told me I either had to get rid of my baby or get out of their house. So I left. I found a small apartment in greendale that Polly was able to help me get and I started school online. I gave birth to my beautiful daughter who I named Emma. She was the most important thing in my life and I loved her so much

Four Years Later

Betty- "hey Em, whatcha doin?" Emma- "doing a puzzle with Cat" Betty- "isn't that fun" she jumped up and hugged me as Cat stood up. Cat- "Betty, I have to get back to school tomorrow" Betty- (sighs) "yeah I know, I really appreciate you looking after her this summer" Cat- "of course, I'll see you next summer" Betty- "Em, can you say bye to cat?" Emma- "bye bye Cat" she let go of me and ran over to cat. She hugged her tightly before she left. Once she was gone Emma started crying so I did everything I could to cheer her up

Betty- "come on Emma, there must be something you want to do" Emma- (sniffles) "I want Cat back" Betty- (sighs) "I know baby but she has to go back to school. Do you want to do something with me" she slowly nodded as I smiled. She never wanted to do things with me so it was like a miracle when she did.

Betty- "alright pick something out and we can do it" she grabbed a small puzzle that took us about ten minutes to do and I could tell she was happy to do something with me. Betty- "baby, can we talk about something?" Emma- "sure mommy" Betty- "well you're gonna start kindergarten soon, you know that right?" She nodded as she got up and sat in my lap

Betty- "well I'm gonna start working, but I have to work when you're home from school. So I was thinking I could hire a nanny. Would that be okay? She nodded but I could see that she wasn't completely sure. Betty- "I promise I will make sure that it's xsomeone fun and sweet, okay? They'll take very good care of you. I promise" Emma- (smiles) "okay mommy, I trust you" Betty- "thank you baby doll" I hugged her and kissed her cheek as she giggled

Riverdale Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora