Gone (Beronica)

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Betty's POV

Veronica was about five months pregnant when she left. I was worried about the baby, our baby. He or She was my little bean and I hated to think about what happened to her and the baby.

I had a period of time where I would barely get out of bed. I was so worried about them that I was making myself sick. It was like that for almost a full year before I was able to pick myself back up and carry on. I became a kindergarten teacher at Riverdale elementary and loved seeing my kids everyday.

I stopped thinking about Veronica after awhile and just focused on myself. I adopted a cat who I named Toffee and just was finally feeling better

At the start of a new school year, I was preparing my new classroom for the kids when I ran out of tape for the wall decorations so I went next door to my colleagues class

Betty- "Hey Fiona? Do you have any more tape?" Fiona- "sure Betty, just in the drawer there" I went over to her desk and noticed a name I didn't recognize on her classroom list that was sitting on her desk.

I would always teach the kindergarten class and the town was so small that everyone was the same so it was odd to get a new student. Betty- "New student?" Fiona- (sighs) "yeah, single mother and kinda spoiled kid" Betty- "well have fun with that" she laughed as I went back to my class. I finished the room and couldn't stop thinking about the name I saw on the paper. It didn't have a last name but it stuck out to me

The name was Lucy and I knew it was a common name but it was also the name I told Veronica I wanted to name our daughter that if she was a girl. It was a popular name and I really didn't think it was her

One friday, couple weeks after school started and Fiona had a family emergency she needed to get to. There weren't a lot of kids in each class so I just took them outside to play for the rest of the day

I sat on the grass while keeping an eye on the kids when a little girl came over to me with tears in her eyes

Betty- "hey Cassie, what's wrong kiddo?" Cassie- (sniffles) "Emma was b-being mean again" I stood up and sighed before taking her hand. Betty- "come on let's go talk to her"

We walked to the other side of the playground where I say Emma with her arms crossed talking to a girl who was in Fiona's class

Betty- "Emma, what's going on here?" She turned around and the look on her face said it all. Her eyes were giant and she looked terrified. Emma- "Ms. Cooper?" Betty- "Emma, go sit on the timeout bench please. I'll come talk to you in a minute" she nodded and walked over as I turned my attention to the girls in front of me

Cassie went over and hugged the girl but I was just looking at her. She had my green eyes and my blonde hair, it was like looking in a tiny mirror

Cassie- "Ms. Cooper?" Betty- "what? Oh sorry Cas, are you both okay?" Cassie nodded as the other girl just held on to her even though she was the older one

Betty- "Cassie, why don't you let us talk. Okay?" She nodded again before letting go and walking a little bit away but staying close

Betty- "are you Lucy?" She nodded as I could feel my heart beating faster. I was excited because I knew there was a good chance that I was looking at my daughter. Betty- "What's your last name sweetheart?"

Lucy- (sniffles) "L-Lodge"

I smiled at her and all I wanted to do was hug her but I couldn't. Instead I just shook her hand as she smiled and started to feel better. Betty- "if Emma bothers you or Cassie again, come let me know. Okay?" She nodded an went over to join Cassie. I watched them run off together as I went to see Emma who was sitting on tge bench and kicking her feet

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