What Brought Us Together (Beronica)

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Betty's POV

I was walking through the babylonium by myself like I did every Friday night. I was a teacher at Riverdale high and would always need to treat myself at the end of the day

Veronica- "hey Be, your usual?" Betty- "that would be great Ve, thanks" She was also part of the reason I would go see a movie every Friday. I loved seeing Veronica, and I knew she secretly did too. If I didn't show up she would always text me and make sure I was okay. We knew we liked each other but we were both too scared to take the final step

This one particular time, I was getting what I normally get when I felt a small tug on my sweater. I looked down and saw a girl who looked about two years old looking back up at me. Betty- "hi there sweetheart" I bent down to her level and couldn't believe my eyes. Her hair was a mess and was tangled. She was covered in dirt and clearly hadn't eaten in awhile

Betty- "where's you mommy?" she looked around in tears before grabbing on to me tightly. Veronica- "Betty?" Betty- "I-I don't know, she just came over to me" Veronica came out from behind the counter as bent down as well. Veronica- "are you lost Sweetie?" She just held onto me tighter. I picked her up and she buried her head in the crook of my neck. Betty- "where did you come from?" She pointed to a storage closet that Veronica barely opened. We both ran over to it and opened it to find a horrific sight

I saw a baby who couldn't be more then five months old crying as the two year old started crying more. The babylonium wasn't busy so Veronica quickly closed the theatre as I took care of both of the girls in her office

Veronica- "okay, so I brought some popcorn and water" Betty- "thanks Ve, I've been trying to get her to talk but she won't. It makes me wonder why she came up to me" Veronica- "so what are we going to do?" Betty- "I don't know, maybe we take them to Sheriff Keller?" I looked at the baby who was asleep in my arms as Veronica went over to the little girl

Veronica- "sweetheart I know you're scared, but we want to help you and your sister" she looked over at me as I smiled as Veronica rubbed her shoulder. Macy- (softly) "I Macy, that Opal" I let out a sigh of relief as Veronica hugged her carefully. Veronica- "thank you Macy, is there anyone we can call for you?" She shook her head and hugged Veronica. Macy- "Mama gone" Veronica picked her up and brought her over to Opal and I

Betty- (whispered) "what should we do?" Veronica- "I think we should take them to the sheriff's station, Maybe you or I could foster them" Betty- "m-maybe" I wanted to suggest we do it together but we weren't even dating and moving in would be weird. Veronica- "let's just sort that out when we come to it" Betty- "we should hurry because I think Opal's getting hungry and she would still need formula" she nodded as we packed up our stuff and left

We carried the girls down to the station and boy was sheriff Keller surprised to see us. Sheriff Keller- "ladies, what can I do for you?" Betty- "well we found these girls in a closet the babylonium, they were alone and we had no idea what to do" he looked at them both before sighing. Sheriff Keller- "well Miss Weiss is out of town on a case and won't be back for a few days" Betty- "should we take care of them? J-Just until she gets back?" Veronica looked at me with a small smile

Sheriff Keller- "you think you can handle it?" Veronica looked at me as I nodded. Veronica- (smiles) "I think we can handle it" Sheriff Keller- "I'll call Miss Weiss and let her know" Betty- "thank you"

We left the station and headed right to the grocery store. We let Macy pick out whatever she wanted and also some extra. We grabbed stuff for Opal too and headed to Veronica's apartment. Betty- "I'll go feed Opal, maybe you could give Macy a bath?" Veronica- "sure, C'mon Mace" she took her hand and led her to the bathroom as I made Opal a bottle. She was so hungry I felt bad, but we had no idea how long they were there

Once we got the girls ready for bed, we put Opal in a playpen we bought and Macy stayed in Veronica's room. Betty- "so...? Now what?" Veronica- "you could go sleep with Macy and I'll take the couch?" Betty- "what? No Ve I couldn't do that, why don't you go watch Macy"

She sighed and looked at Opal sleeping in the corner before taking my hand. Veronica- "are we really going to keep pretending?" It took me by surprise but once I realized what she said I smiled. Betty- "I don't want to, I just want you to feel the same way I do"

She smiled and pulled me closer to her. Veronica-  (softly) "who says I don't?" I blushed as I felt her move closer to me. I finally took that step and kissed her lips. She happily leaned into it and we both smiled after we pulled apart

Veronica- "so, now that we got the first kiss out of the way, wanna move in so we can raise kids together?" Betty- (giggles) "I would love too" she laughed and took my hand as made our way
Into the bedroom. When we got there we saw Macy sitting on the bed crying. Betty and Veronica looked at each other before going over to her

Betty- (softly) "what's wrong Mace?" Macy- (cries) "scary" I sighed and sat on the bed before pulling her into my lap. Betty- "I promise you sweetheart, there is nothing to be scared of" just then we heard Opal crying from the living room.

Veronica- "I'll go get her" she left the room as I rocked Macy in my arms. Betty- "everythings okay Macy, you're safe" she turned around and looked at me. She immediately wrapped her arms  around my neck and hugged me tightly as I smiled. Betty- "you're okay" we stayed there like that until Veronica came back with Opal

Veronica- "well someone was missing their big sister" she came over to us and sat down as Macy turned to look at her sister. Macy- (sniffles) "don't cry Opy, it okay" she kissed her head as Veronica and I's hearts melted

Veronica- "why don't we all get some sleep, we can go shopping tomorrow if you want Macy" she nodded as Ve and I switched kids. She laid with Macy as I took Opal back out to the living room

Betty- "why don't you try and get some sleep Opal" her eyes were still wide open and I couldn't get her to sleep. I tried for almost twenty minutes before Veronica came out to help me. Veronica- "you okay Be?" Betty- "yeah, I-I just thought that I would make a good mom but I guess I was wrong" Veronica- "no Be, that's not true. You're going to be an amazing mom" Betty- "tell that to Opal here who won't fall asleep"

Veronica took her from my arms and bounced her. Veronica- "it's just the first night. We'll get the hang of it" Betty- "so.. your in this for the long run?" Veronica looked down at Opal before meeting my eyes. Veronica- (smiles) " I'm definitely in" I smiled before tickling Opal's stomach as she giggled. Betty- "well I don't think this one is going to sleep anytime soon" Veronica- "that's the life of a baby, what should we do?" Betty- "we could just hand out with her until she falls asleep"

Veronica- "Why don't I stay up with her, you should get some sleep" Betty- "I'm not going to let you do that Ve, I wouldn't get any sleep anyway"

We sat on the couch as she placed Opal on her chest. Betty- "thank you for letting me stay" Veronica- "well I think you'll be here a lot more, I know that this all happened so fast but I think we can make it work" Betty- "I really couldn't agree more" I laid my head on her shoulder as all three of us fell asleep

The next morning I woke up on the couch with a blanket on top of me. I was the first one up so I went to check on Veronica and Macy. I smiled when I found them cuddled up in Veronica's bed but then I heard Opal crying from the other room. I quickly went to grab her and comforted her until she was a little happier

Betty- "it's okay Opal, I've got you now" she rested her head on my shoulder and grabbed on to my finger. Betty- "and I'm not letting you go" I kissed the top of her head before I saw Veronica smiling while leaning against the wall. Betty- "oh, sorry Ve did we wake you" Veronica- "maybe, but that's okay. Macy's still asleep" I smiled before I went over and kissed her. Veronica- (smiles) "well good morning to you too" Betty- "I know that we literally only kissed yesterday but would it be weird to call you my girlfriend?" Veronica- "I would love that Be, and I heard what you said to Opal. I don't want to let them go either" I smiled widely before looking at baby Opal in my arms

A couple months later, Veronica and I officially adopted Opal and Macy as our own. We loved our girls and the fact that they were the reason we were together, made us love them even more the  we could imagine

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