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Time skip: 2 weeks later.

Ichika and Honami were studying about the Virtual Kingdom again, with the help of a robot assistant called Miku. Their research had finally ended so they were giving the informations of it to one of the Soldiers.

--So, your name is Toya Tenma isn't it? I will gave you the information you will have to give Nene, since she needs it the fastest way possible and we will take a while to come back.-- Ichika said, on a call.

--It's actually Toya Aoyagi...--

Why would they use my old surname?

--Ah, my bad. Maybe we wrote it wrong somehow. But anyways, we found out that it's just an uncommon ruby that Nene's friend got on his body. I heard from her that he is quite curious so i believe that he had made some spell using this ruby to know what would happen and then tried to implant it on his body. How weird.--

--Alright... so it's just a magical ruby?--

--Yeah. We found out about other red jewel, but it had a very strong power
inside of it and, according to Nene, the jewel on her friend didn't had prohibited magic at all.--

--Fine, im sending the information to Nene.--

--Thank you so much!--

The princess ended the call and was ready to go along to her friend, But then:
--Hey, Ichika, Honami.--
A grey haired knight said.

--Woah?! Shiho?!-- Honami almost screamed, surprised. --W-what are you doing here? Also, we missed you!-- She runs to Shiho's direction and hugs her.

--I... missed you too.-- the knight says, hugging Honami back, and pulling the other princess to the hug as well.

--I heard you two were exploring and studying about this place, and since I don't have work today, i decided to come.--

--Really? That's good, but unfortunately we can't say it why we are...--

--It was first a research about one of our friends, but now we are studying their technology as well!!-- Honami says, interrupting Ichika.

--Oh? You're studying about the robots technology?--

--Yes! What if the Bloody Kingdom became a very technological place if we learned from them?--

--H-honami!! That's confidential!!--

--Don't worry, Shiho is a friend of ours!--

--I see... Since you trusted me, I'll tell you something too: there is one suspect or more been stealing some materials of the Virtual Kingdom, and having you too doing this research and gathering this information is quite suspicious, isn't it?--

The princesses looked at each other worried, wondering why would someone have to steal technology from that Kingdom.

--You don't think is us, do you?-- Honami asked.

--Of course not, i just don't understand. I mean, surely this place is getting better with technology but the stolen materials are simple machines suddenly disappearing. It's like if someone stole 20 microwaves.--

--Maybe, the suspect is trying to create something even bigger.-- Miku spoke, walking towards them. --I'm Miku Hatsune by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you, White Knight Hinomori.--

--White Knight Shiho, please...--

--It could be something like that, maybe we should just focus on finding out who's doing that.--

The girls chat for some minutes before leaving the robotic place, while Miku also goes to attend someone else.

--Create something bigger? Fufu.. I guess you can say it like that.-- someone using a invisible spell says after the girls he was spying walked away.

The suspect leaves and goes to a misterious place full of random technological materials. On the floor, there was a small screen requiring for a code to open something. He press the right numbers and the floor opens, revealing a capsule with what it seemed to be a realistic robot inside of it.

--I just need to change this part of his brain and...-- the suspect said, as he inspected the back of the robot's head, who opened his eyes.

--You... are my creator?-- the robot asked, confused

--Exactly, so listen and obey me no matter what, alright Len?--

--Len? Is that my name?-- It laid on the capsule again, making his fake blonde hair a little bit messier. -- I like it.--


--And... i won again!!-- Saki said proudly as she put her last UNO card at the table.

--NO WAAYYY!!!-- Emu screamed sadly, holding her last card, certain she would win. --You're so good at this Saki...--

--Hehe, thank you Emu! You also did very well.--

--I still had 16 cards left... but im happy for you two!-- Shizuku spoke.

--I can't believe that i agreed to play UNO with you guys after dinner...-- the Queen Momoi said.

--Majesty, if you allowed us to have fun, then please have fun as well!!-- the pink haired princess said.

--Oh please, you don't need to call me "Majesty" here alright? As you said, we are just having a little fun. But I'm mad to myself because i should be doing Queen stuff.--

--"Queen stuff?" Heh, even though she is a Queen, Momoi is still so informal...-- Saki whispered to herself.

A knock at the door was heard, and the White Knight Akito walked in the room.
--Excuse me, Majesty and princesses...--

--What is wrong, Shinonome?-- Emu asked.

--The Knight Shiho went off to the Virtual Kingdom today to find out about what are the Bloody Kingdom's princesses doing at that place, and she found out that they are studying the Virtual Kingdom's technology and possibly copy it for themselves. Since you seemed to be worried about it later, i thought it would be important to inform...--

--WHAT?!-- Airi screamed as she got up from her chair, her hands rested on the table as she looked with wide eyes at the Knight. --Who does Yoisaki thinks she is to send her princesses to copy the others tech and lifestyle?! She's ridiculous for that!--

--Uhm... Shiho told me the Queen Yoisaki didn't know...--

--She didn't know?! So she just let her people do anything without even asking about WHAT AT THEY DOING?!-- She screamed, and hit the table with both of her hands once again.

--Airi, don't you think you're overreacting a little...-- Shizuku said and everyone looked at her thinking she would just make the Queen even more mad, but Airi sits down again.

--I guess you're right, but i'm just mad because i think these princesses are the one's stealing that Virtual Kingdom's tech stuff and the studies are for them to create something revolutionary.--

--Oh, but that's good for them isn't it?-- Shizuku asked.

--That's exactly why im mad! It can sound selfish, but i like to be the queen with the best of the Kingdoms, and that could make them better than us!! And not just that, but perhaps even create a war between these two and i definitely don't want to help.--

--Again, she speaks like if she's a little kid trying to get a toy from another kid...--
Saki thinks, a bit too loud.

--What did you said, Princess Tenma?-- The queen asks her.

--Nothing, just speaking to myself!--

--Alright, you can go now ginger Knight, and tell Knight Hinomori that she did a great job getting this information.--

--Majesty, It's Shinobome, and she actually prefers being called Shiho...--

--And i prefer when my Knights don't answer me when i didn't asked to.-- Airi interrupts him.

--I'm sorry, Majesty... Damn.-- Akito apologizes and leaves the room.

--I'm definitely meeting Yoisaki in person to understand what's going on, thank god we are having a reunion soon.--

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