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--Majesty, The Queen Airi Momoi along to the White Princesses are here just as they promised.-- a guard spoke on his knees to his Queen.

--Let them come in so we can start our meeting.-- The Queen Kanade Yoisaki answered.

He opened the doors for the ones from the White Kingdom to enter. Emu and Saki already were excited and waved happily to the Bloody Princesses, but didn't shout or anything, they knew how much Airi would be mad at them.

--We have a lot to talk about, Snow White.-- Airi was mad already, sitting on her chair and crossing her arms. --We heard your girls have been exploring the Virtual Kingdom for a "research" and right after that, news showed us about how they were getting more robbed recently.--

NOTE: Is still Rui, but now just to make the princesses look suspicious ;)

--Are you acusing us for stealing that random machines, Momoi?-- Honami asked, with a shaky voice.

--Not acusing, just saying perhaps it could not be a coincidence.--

--We uhm, have been doing some investigation and it's most likely the suspect is from this Kingdom, we have agreed on that before didn't we?-- Ichika affirms, and everyone on the table agrees.

--It could also be possible for the suspect have prohibited magic knowledge, since some people have witnessed the machines "floating", it could mean the suspect was invisible.-- Kanade says.

--That makes things harder if no one followed them...-- Saki says.

--If they're a respected person like the Princess and the Knights, he would definitely have easy access to the Virtual Kingdom! But i don't think its any of us after seeing Nene's research.-- Emu said.

--Ah yes, the research. I asked for Honami and Ichika explore because a friend of mine had a struggle with a weird technological and magical ruby, that he said he got from the Virtual Kingdom, it made him sick.-- Nene said.

--Oh no! Is he alright?-- Shizuku asked, worried.

--Yeah. We thought he would have to attend a surgery but i was able to program a special machine for him that could extract the magic of the ruby that was "consuming" him. Otori was with me when i was projecting it, by the way.--

--I really was!! You were so wonder... i mean, great at your work!--
Emu interrupted her self, since she remembered every time Airi got mad because of the "Wonderhoys" in important meetings.

--And that friend of yours does really exists or your making up this stuff?-- Airi asked like if she was in a detective videogame.

--Yes he does. His name is Rui Kamishiro, he is known by some people as a scientist around here. You know... Purple hair and some blue strings.--

The pink haired princess felt like she have seen him at a weird place before, but shoved that away.

--Also, may i ask you a question, Momoi? If we were indeed stealing the machines, what would we use it for?-- Kanade asks with a calm and genuine voice.

--Technology, the same as the Virtual Kingdom, you would copy them.--

--And why?--

--I don't know! To be better than them? You always says you're doing the best for your society but that stuff keeping happening, so you're trying at least to have a better technology...??--

--Our past made different groups and stories, and unfortunately, The White Kingdom is a lot more rich than the Bloody Kingdom. I can't control that as much as you think i can.-- The Queen slowly stops whispering and her voice gets a little louder.

--But you should at least control the prohibited magic information that a lot of hidden sorcerers have been selling and making your people sick, and you still didn't make any progress on your investigations. You can't never save anyone at all...--

--Enough.-- Kanade said, finally angry. --This isn't working, the meeting is over. Go home with safety, all of you.--

Airi rushed of the room before anyone could notice. Nene and Shizuku just left and parted ways, leaving the other princesses alone.

--What was that for...-- Ichika comments, disappointed and leading the others out of the Reunion Room.

--I don't know why she keeps acusing you, i also believe this could be about that misterious sorcerer but I can't find anything that connects directly to him.-- Saki says, with a wish that everyone will be okay.

--Maybe we could leave that aside, The Virtual Kingdom didn't answer yet our letters saying that we could help finding who's stealing them. They seem that they don't care at all...-- Honami says.

--Huh? How weird.-- Saki comments.

--Miss Kusanagi? Can i talk to you alone?-- Emu calls out for Nene.

--Sure. You can call me Nene if you want, we are princesses so...--

--Really??! Thank you!!--

The both of them goes to a less crowded place to discuss.

--Do you have a picture of that friend of yours? I think i met him before talking to you at the forest.--

--Oh, alright.-- She searches in her bag for a little time and then hands the other girl a picture of Nene and Rui, it looked like they were only 1 year younger.

--It was really him! He seemed like a funny guy, but if that cottage was his house then i feel bad for him.--

--Cottage? Rui lives in a isolated area here, and he never told me about having a cottage in the forest that divide all the Kingdoms...--

--Hmm... suspicious...-- Emu says, with a hand on her chin.

--Thanks for the information, Otori. I will tell you as soon as possible if he is envolved with all that suspect case.--

--Yayy!! Also, please call me Emu since we are friends now!--

--Okay, Emu...--

The girls chat for a while before going on opposite directions and going home, since it was late already.
(too short, sorry:c)

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