My true Identity

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--AAAAAAAAHHH!!!-- the blonde knight screamed as he swung his sword from side to side, trying to reach the other boy.

--You're too slow, world's future star.-- the purple haired sorcerer said as he grabbed Tsukasa's hand tightly, and shoving his sword away, then punches him on the stomach with a red concentrated magic that made him gets thrown at a rock behind him.

Luckily, before Tsukasa crushed on the rock, Rui pointed his index finger at his direction, making an red aura around him that prevented him from getting his body crushed.

--Ugh... I'm not slow!! You're the too fast one!! Also, how did you stopped me from...?--

After they meet outside the Tech-Restaurant, Tsukasa and Rui have been training together because the blonde said he needed to be prepared for the strongest enemies possible, so Rui is helping him dealing with spells.

--Oh that's a simple spell, you just need to concentrate on what you want to move with your mind.-- the sorcerer gently put Tsukasa on the floor, and then again, a red aura appeared, but around the blonde's sword, that slowly flew to it's owner.

--Thanks, but you stained my clothes! It looks like they're burned now!--

--Really? Maybe i was too far, I'm sorry. Why don't you come in the house with me? I could take care of that.--

--If your house isn't far away, then yes.--

The two of them walked away from the place they where training, and eventually arrived at a pretty small cottage.

Going inside of it, the place seemed to have only a simple reception desk

--You don't live here, do you?--

--Sort of.--

Rui closed his eyes and touched both of his hands on the table, making the door shut and the wall behind the desk  started to expand, making a corridor.

--WHAT THE...--

He turned around to see Tsukasa confused, but made a sign for the friend to keep following him.

They walked to the end of the corridor, Rui typed something incredibly fast on a little screen from the side of the door, which opened after that.

--Can you hand me your clothes? I need to take care of it inside here.--

--Why can't i go with you?? This is all really suspicious.--

--I'd like for you to stay outside.-- the sorcerer says in a teasing tone, meaning maybe he wasn't so serious.

--You know what, forget this. I can take care of this burned clothes at home...--

--Alright, then come in.-- Rui interrupts Tsukasa by grabbing the boy by the wrist and forcing him inside the room.

The Knight didn't expected the place to be so messy, it had amounts of things inside there.

A pile of broken machines and materials, shelves full of potions, papers everywhere, a desk with what it seemed to have a magic jewel with their power being contained within a glass case, and also...

--Hello, Rui.-- said the blonde robot.

--Oh Len, what are you doing here?

--WAAAHHH?! IS THAT A ROBOT THAT YOU KEEP HERE?-- Tsukasa screamed as he fell on the door behind him, shuting it.

--Don't worry, he lives here, I didn't kidnapped him or anything.--

--That's true. That's my house, he is my creator.-- he says pointing to the sorcerer.

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