White day

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Hidden inside the Crypton building, was Miku, praying that the Knights didn't notice their presence while exploring. She was trying to make Kaito turn on again, but the damage caused on the yellow jewel and his body at the same time caused a strong malfunction on his robotic system. When she was about to give up, he slowly opened his eyes and searched inside his clothes for the magical stone, but only found remaining burned pieces that couldn't be used at all.

--Where did you even came from? Also, didn't we agreed that if i died on the White Day you weren't supposed to help?!-- Kaito said, weak, and still laid on the girl's arms.

--I lost everyone so quickly, so i decided to help you, but i only found you almost dead on the mountain.-- Miku says, with a worried face. --We are the only ones left, the sorcerer you tried to control caused a failure on everyone else's system, I'm glad i was hidding somewhere far.--

--The sorcerer... he didn't last too long didn't he? That boy is too much emotional, not even technology could make him think about hurting the one's he truly cared for.--

--Are you sure? Thousands got hurt with the explosions he made... Maybe someone woke him up for sure or something, since he didn't got the Bloody Kingdom's Magic. -- she says, trying to make Kaito get on his feet.

--Miku, no need. The Knights are going to find me anyway, i won't loose my faith on you if you wish to continue with the plan. But im too damaged already, even  my memory file.-- Kaito said, lowering his tone of voice, knowing humans were close.

--Also, you won't be alone.-- he says and hands Miku what it seems to be a memory file from someone she knew.

--"Len Kagamine"? I thought he was destroyed before the war even started because of the sorcerer.--

--Let's say he didn't noticed it was left behind when he "killed" our Len.--

Both of them heard more voices getting close. The girl kept her friend's memory file and turned back to Kaito, almost leaning her back on his chest and took her hair to her side, exposing her nape.

--Kaito, please remove all the suspicious memories i have about us planning the White Day, or about guns, everything necessary. I know i will forget this conversation, but i promise to find out somehow about continuing with the plan. Please!--

Almost in a instant, Miku already felt Kaito unlocking the back part of her head, where her memory file was. He took it off and she fell backwards, unconscious, so he quickly inspected it on a close computer and deleted everything she requested to and destroyed the computer. For some reason, he was feeling guilty about the weight Miku was going to carry after this, but it shouldn't matter, he would be executed by the Knights soon.

Kaito inserted the file back into the girl's head, laid behind her and just waited for Miku to get conscious again.
--Oh right, i have to make Kaito wake up. Did i forgot about it...?-- she said opening her eyes and crawling to her friend.

--I can feel movement in one of these rooms, let's be careful.--

Huh? Was that a voice or just my head? Maybe i'm just missing everyone...

It didn't took too long for the door to be destroyed, and the White Knights entering in their fighting position already.

--Huh? No one's inside here?-- Akito asked, confused.

--That's impossible. This was the last room and I'm sure the holograms showed there was movement here.-- Nene said.

--The building is big tho, maybe he is just upstairs!!-- Emu said, trying to get their hopes up.

--Excuse me?-- Miku says, leaving the closed that she didn't knew very well why she was hiding in it and walks towards them, holding Kaito's body.

Nene immediately surrounded her with a spell, tying her hands and making the blue haired robot fell on the floor.
--What do you think you're doing?! Trying to take him back or something??--

The White Day PJSK AU🗡️🌟Where stories live. Discover now