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I do not own any characters in this book, nor do I own any pictures.

⚠️TW: Panic attack⚠️

3RD point of view:

Time: 9:00 pm

Bokuto and M/n were doing their usual lovey dovey stuff. Cuddling on the bed while watching TV.

Or so what the H/C male thought they were doing. Turns out Bokuto fell asleep next to M/n, making him release a small chuckle. "How cute." The taller boy muttered under his breath.

M/n reached over carefully to get the remote to turn off the TV. The boy then hugged the owl like boy closer to his chest. "おやすみ." (Goodnight)

Time : 2:00 am

Bokutos dream:

"M/N! WHERE ARE U?!" The owl eyed boy looked around in a huge mist. Seeing multiple M/n's saying "I hate you," "You're so annoying to deal with!" Then came some of his friends like Kuroo. " I can't be friends with someone, THATS SO DAMN ANNOYING!" "Such a damn freak" dream Akashi said.

Out side of Bokutos dream :

M/n hears slight crying coming from underneath him. He opens his eyes to see Bokuto clinging onto him crying.

"Shit." Was all that came out of M/n's mouth.

"Kou, Kou, wake up!" The H/C boy said while shaking Bokuto.

Bokutos eyes shot wide open. He sat up quickly. Eyes blured with tears. Face slightly red.

"Kou? What's wrong?" M/n said with a concerned look on his face.

Bokuto moved back from M/n a little bit. He felt as if his blood had gotten  swaped out with icy water. He felt scared and felt as if he could barely breathe. The poor owl was sobbing as the words from his dream reputedly wrapped around his head.

"Kou, I need u to breathe with me, ok?"

Bokuto nodded

"Ok, ready?" After a few more minutes of calming Bokuto down M/n opens his mouth.

" Is it alright if I hug you?" M/n said, making sure his boyfriend is ok about touching him.

Bokuto nodded his head slowing.  M/n wrapped his arms around him, gently rubbing his beloved boyfriend's back.

M/n leaned back on the headboard of the bed, arms wrapped around Bokuto. Bokuto was laying his head on M/n chest.

"Do u want to talk about your dream or not?" M/n asked. His voice was soft as to keep Bokuto calm.

"No.." Bokuto said quietly. Closing his eyes listening to M/n's heart beating. It calmed him down at times like these.

"Alright, do want some -" M/n got cut off after hearing slight snoring coming from Bokuto.

M/n smiled. "おやすみ、愛する人よ." (Goodnight, my love.)


OMG, I FINSHED :D I hope u guys will like this!! I might post more because I have so many more ideas.

I don't know how to feel about the panic attack part. I don't even know if that really sounded like one. Sorry if it was bad, though ( ´~`) Anyways I hope u enjoy. Goodbye :)

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